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W południe do szkoły wpadł 18-latek z strzelbą i zabił kilkoro uczniów sam został zastrzelony niedługo po strzelaninie.zna ktoś szczegóły ? słyszałam godzinę temu w TV.... okropne :(

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nie zostal zastrzelony - chcial popelnic samobojstwo, strzelil sobie w lep ale przezyl, jest w stanie krytycznym w szpitalu zginelo 5 chlopcow, 2 dziewczynki i dyrektorka szkoly dla tych co po angielsku potrafia oto co napisal na swoim koncie na youtube ktore zostalo juz wykasowane : I am a cynical existentialist, antihuman humanist, antisocial socialdarwinist, realistic idealist and godlike atheist. SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM! JUSTITIA SUUM CUIQUE DISTRIBUIT! SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS! I am prepared to fight and die for my cause. I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. You might ask yourselves, why did I do this and what do I want. Well, most of you are too arrogant and closed-minded to understand... You will proprably say me that I am"insane", "crazy", "psychopath", "criminal" or crap like that. No, the truth is that I am just an animl, a human, an individual, a dissident. I have had enough. I don't want to be part of this fucked up society. Like some other wise people have said in the past, human race is not worth fighting for or saving... only worth killing. But... When my enemies will run and hide in fear when mentioning my name... When the gangsters of the corrupted governments have been shot in the streets... When the rule of idioracy and the democratic system has been replaced with justice... When intelligent people are finally free and rule the society instead of the idiocratic rule of majority... In that great day of deliverance, you will know what I want. Long live the revolution... revolution against the system, which enslaves not only the majority of weak-minded masses but also the small minority of strong-minded and intelligent individuals! If we want to live in a different world, we must act. We must rise against the enslaving, corrupted and totalitarian regimes and overthrow the tyrants, gangsters and the rule of idiocracy. I can't alone change much but hopefully my actions will inspire all the intelligent people of the world and start some sort of revolution against the current systems. The system discriminating naturality and justice, is my enemy. The people living in the world of delusion and supporting this system are my enemies. I am ready to die for a cause I know is right, just and true... even if I would lose or the battle would be only remembered as evil... I will rather fight and die than live a long and unhappy life. And remember that this is my war, my ideas and my plans. Don't blame anyone else for my actions than myself. Don't blame my parents or my friends. I told nobody about my plans and I always kept them inside my mind only. Don't blame the movies I see, the music I hear, the games I play or the books I read. No, they had nothing to do with this. This is my war: one man war against humanity, governments and weak-minded masses of the world! No mercy for the scum of the earth! HUMANITY IS OVERRATED! It's time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!

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Gość młodzież to bomba zegarowa
przypomina mi się Liceum Columbine (st Colorado) rok 1999 Masakra w Columbine High School miała miejsce 20 kwietnia 1999 roku, w Columbine High School, liceum znajdującym w pobliżu miast Littleton i Denver w stanie Kolorado w USA. Eric Harris i Dylan Klebold, dwaj nastoletni uczniowie owej szkoły, weszli na jej teren i przy pomocy broni palnej zamordowali dwunastu rówieśników i jednego nauczyciela, 24 osoby zostały ranne. Sprawcy popełnili samobójstwo zanim do budynku wkroczyła policja. Wydarzenie to jest jednym z największych masowych zabójstw na terenie placówek oświatowych w historii USA. co dzieje się z młodzieżą :(

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