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Please reply to this email to verify that you are the owner of the account that you referenced in your Facebook support inquiry. This security step must be completed before Facebook can respond to your inquiry. We apologize for any inconvenience. If this email address is not associated with your account, please reply to this email from an email address that is associated with your Facebook account, ensuring that this email is in your response (this may require you to copy and paste this text if your email client removes this email from your reply). Please also note that if you have created an account, and you're having trouble logging in, please do not create another account using a different email address. Doing so may also increase the time needed to resolve the issue. moglibyscie napisac o co w tym chodzi:(

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prosze odpowiedziec na ten email, by zweryfikowac czy jestes wlascicielem konta ktore podales w pytaniu do supportu. Ten krok bezpieczenstwa musi byc wypelniony zanim acebook odpowie na twoje pytanie. przepraszamy za niedogodnosci- to pierwsza czesc w 2 jest napisane co i jak jesli ten adres mailowy nie związany jest z twoim kontem na facebooku.

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