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Witam Mam do napisania essay, i już kończy mi się pomysł co mam dalej pisać... Pomóżcie mi oto temat: Too much emphasis is placed on educational qualifications. Oto co już naskrobałam: -Nowadays a lot of people graduate the best schools with 2 or more faculties. So why They cannot find the job? Because the most hard emphasis is placed not on educational qualifications but on work experience. -To start with there is wrong opinion that the more schools you graduate the more chances you have to find the job. Young people graduate colleges when they have already 27 years old. They have big knowledge but this is empty skill without applying in working. Neither of employers employ graduate people because that kind of move can ruin their company. It is very expensive to train inexperienced people, company loose time and money then. Instead of this firms prefer people with skills which they get in last works. In that situation there exist big chance that new worker will be productive and tireless. -What is more when young people go to college they already have 20 years old, this is great time to attain experience. This is not mean that they should give up studying and striving for intellectual perfection. In todays world they can do both, studying and working. External studies are available for everyone, almost all cities have schools which offer this way of education. I nie mam pojęcia co dalej.... Jeszcze brakuje mi 150słów. Nie umiem pisać prac zawsze mam z tym problem. Co jeszcze mogę napisać w tym esseju? Rzućcie tylko pomysły aby temat pociągnąć dalej. PLISSSSSSSSSSS

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Gość angielski
well.....z tego co zrozumialam to studia kompletnie nie sa przydatne....a moze tak napisz, ze mimo iz nie pracujemy w swoim zawodzie po ukonczeniu studiow, to jednak nadal te ukonczone studia pokazuja pracodawcy,ze stac nas na cos lepszego niz tylko szkola srednia..ze nasze IQ jest na tyle wysokie ,ze konczymy te studia.. a wiec i w pracy bedziemy odnosic wiekszy sucess niz ci with High School Diploma

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up up czekam również na inne sugestie :))

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Gość angielskiiiii
up upupu

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Jestes tu jeszcze? Bo CI takie cos wysmazylam: Nowadays it is quite common that a lot of people graduate from the best universities with two or more faculties. If that is the case, why can they not find a suitable job? I think it is because the most emphasis is places on experience rather than education. To start with, there is a wrong opinion that the more schools you graduate from the better chances you have to land a job. Young people graduate when they are already 27 years old. The have a lot of knowledge but it is, unfortunately, just an empty skill with no real-life application. Very few employers hire new graduates because of the fear that such move would not benefit their companies as it is expensive to train inexperienced people it takes time and money. Instead, they prefer to employ someone who has already learned the trade in their previous jobs, believing that person would be more productive. What is more, young people go to universities when they are around 20, which should be a great time to gain experience. This does not mean they need to give up studying and striving for intellectual perfection, but that they should keep their eyes open for arising opportunities. In todays world you can do both study and work so having a part-time job is a great thing to include in your CV. Also, various schools offer external studies available to everyone, which allows students to work. Full-time students should also take an interest in summer internships or apprenticeships home or abroad. I think it is better to have just one degree and some work experience than several faculties and a head jammed with theory. In several countries, unlike in Poland, students often choose to do a professional placement. It means than after two years of studying for their bachelor degree, they go to work for a year and then come back to do the final year at university. The employers contact universities, then interview students and the few lucky ones go to a full-time job, while also writing a report on it, which then gets marked. The once who opt out of this option or do not manage to get the placement usually take on different roles within the university, such as student union representatives or chairmen of clubs and societies to show that they can organise themselves and do many things at once. Also, in western countries students do not carry on studying for masters straight away. They go to work and if they feel that they need more qualifications they decide to do it after a year or two, or even do it part-time while still working. Moreover, not everyone is academic. We all have different predispositions, likes, dislikes and talents. Some people would do really well in jobs that do not require a degree, such as plumbing, electrics, building, cooking and so on, but are too scared to pursue them as careers as they are being put under constant pressure to study more. Society in general as well as parents often push young people to study subjects they do not even find interesting, which results in a young person being unhappy. It is not a very rare occurrence that someone is denied a job for being over-qualified. The managers of firms are usually employed by directors and one of their responsibilities is to interview new recruits. If an applicant has a wide list of qualifications, the manager could be scared of losing his position and decide to employ someone with fewer qualifications than himself. In addition, employers want to know that a potential candidate for the job is good at other things that just studying and a 30-year-old who has never done a days work does not paint a great picture. I strongly believe that it is important to show the employers that we are capable of leaning new things by graduating from universities but keep things real at the same time and not over-do the studying. In my opinion a bit less emphasis should be placed on extensive education to allow young people to follow their hearts and do what they feel is best for them.

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Gość izzy.......
za glowe sie zlapalam jak to przeczytalam ????? ja nigdy nie pozwole na to, aby taka osoba uczyla moje dziecko... z takimi kiepskimi umiejetnosciami..

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Ale o co chodzi? Jak jakis blad zrobilam to popraw i tyle. Po prostu chcialam dziewczynie pomóc, ale zadna nauczycielka nie jestem, anglistyki nie studiuje, wiec moglam sie pomylic. Jesli tak, to sorry. Ale chociaz napisz o co dokladnie Ci chodzi z tymi umiejetnosciami. I co to ma do Twoich dzieci?

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A tak generalnie to sie zaraz zdenerwuje, bo sie nastukalam w klawiature jak glupia a autorki topiku ani widu ani slychu. Ech...

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Gość izzy.......
studiuje f. angielska i jestem uczulona na bledy, tyle.. a poprawiac mi sie nie chce:D nie studiujesz f. angielskiej ale musze przyznac, ze calkiem niezle ci poszlo:) jezeli cie urazilam to prezpraszam:) To ladne z twojej strony ze pomagasz:)

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No spoko, nie obrazam sie. Ale rzeczywiscie troszke mnie to dotknelo, bo zawsze mi sie wydawalo, ze mój ang. jest niezly. Ale lubie sie go uczyc i cenie to, ze ktos mnie poprawia, wiec jezeli masz chwile czasu (a pewnie masz, skoro siedzisz na kafe) to bardzo prosze napisz gdzie zrobilam bledy, to sie naucze na przyszlosc, zeby ich juz wiecej nie robic. No, chyba, ze caly tekst jest do kitu, ale nie sadze, zeby bylo az tak zle. A co po filologii? Chcesz byc nauczycielka?

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Ano, juz jeden zauwazylam, ale to litetówka byla. Autorko, na poczatku ma byc placed a nie places.

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Dyrektore 🌼 Ale najlepsze, ze autorka zniknela z topiku totalnie i pisalam na marne. NO coz, life...

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Jestem jestem, i baaaaaaaaaaaardzooooo dziękuję. Studiuję filologię ale z pisania jestem cienka. Gramatyka , ćwiczenia, zdania mogę sobie robić, ale pisanie wypracowań to moja mordęga. Niestety , moja pięta achillesowa. DZIĘKUJE!!! :*

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A, no to luz, bo juz myslalam, ze sie naprodukowalam na nic. Skoro studiujesz filologie to sobie napewno poprawilas te literówki (placed zamiast places i they zamiast the itp). Ja nigdy nie bylam na filologii, studiuje ekonomie, ale w Anglii, stad znajomosc jezyka.

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