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OPIS REKLAAMY PO ANG. sprawdzicie czy dobrze????????????????????????????????????

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My favourite TV advertisement is „Heart and Mind by Telekomunikacja Polska. This is also one of the best commercials among my friends. This advertisement is great, effective, memorable and encourage viewers to use the TP service. There are a few funny versions of the advertisement. In my opinion the best is The FunPack. In this commercial heart and mind sing about a special offer of TP. Although the advertisement is short, the words and melody are very memorable. There were other people there who dance and sing too. It is also funny advertisement in which the heart tells the mind for his girlfriend Julia. The heart is very excited and happy. Together with the mind they call the phone number for a new friend and then it turns out that a friend Julian. Very funny, although, perhaps, a little scary is the story in which the heart is given to reason salt. To do so must cross the whole table which is a big challenge for him. These advertisement are very amused and curious. So I think TP has a lot of business customers, who continue to follow the stories of the heart and mind and thus the new promotions. Advertisement surprises with its originality. Alone, sometimes in your free time watching online ads TP. I feel good because they arereally very funny. Im looking forward to see more parts of it. I always watch it witch the same interest.

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sprawdzi mi to ktos?

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heeej bardzio prosze

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Gość gosc xxx
szczerze to styl jezykowy jest kiepski. nie advertisement tylko advert commercials - to ni jest reklama wiec zle uzylas slowa. 'these advertisment'- these tyczy sie liczby mnogiej czyli albo this advert albo these adverts ogolnie nie chce mi sie poprawiac calosci bo stylistyka jest kiepska. sprobuj uzywac wiecej slow typy although, furthermore, therefore, in additional, provide, involve... moze cos wwtedy bedzie lepiej brzmiec

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Pomoze jeszcze ktos????

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Pomoze jeszcze ktos????

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Pomoze jeszcze ktos????

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Gość durnowate snyyyy...
sorry ale advert a advertisement to jedno i to samo slowo,wiec w czym problem?

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Gość durnowate snyyyy...
This is also one of the best commercials among-ACCORDING TO my friends. This advertisement is great, effective, memorable and encourageS viewers to use the TP service.

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Gość durnowate snyyyy...
There are a few-FEW funny versions of the-THIS advertisement. In my opinion the best ONE is The FunPack. In this commercial A heart and mind(mind to raczej cos czego nie da sie ''narysowac;; wg mnie - nie znam tej reklamy wiec nie wiem czy chodzi ci o umysl czy co) sing about a special offer of TP. Although the advertisement is short, the words and melody are very memorable. There were ARE other people there who dance and sing too. It is also funny advertisement in which the heart tells the mind for his girlfriend Julia.- nie rozumiem

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Gość durnowate snyyyy...
The heart is very excited and happy. Together with the mind they call the phone number for a new friend and then it turns out that a friend Julian.-nie rozumiem Very funny, although, perhaps, a little scary is the story in which the heart is given to reason salt (???)-??????? . To do so IT must cross (GO ACROSS?)the whole table which is a big challenge for him.

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Gość durnowate snyyyy...
These advertisementS are very amused and curious( NIE PASUJA TE PRZYMIOTNIKI). So I think TP has GAINED a lot of NEW business customers, who WILL continue to follow the stories of the heart and mind and thus the-ANY new promotions. THESE AdvertisementS surprise with its-THEIR originality. Alone, sometimes in your free time watching online ads TP. I feel good because they are really very funny. -BEZ SENSU Im looking forward to see more parts of it. I always watch it with the same interest.

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It is also funny advertisement in which the heart tells the mind for his girlfriend Julia.- nie rozumiem chodzi o to ze inna smieszna reklama jest ta w ktorej serce opowiada rozumowi o swojej dziewczynie -Julii. Pozniej dzownia do niej na telefon komorkowy i okazuje sie ze to chlopak -Julian.

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Very funny, although, perhaps, a little scary is the story in which the heart is given to reason salt (???)-??????? . To do so IT must cross (GO ACROSS?)the whole table which is a big challenge for him. chodzi o to ze bardzo smieszna chociaz troche straszna jest historia w ktorej serce podaje rozumowi sól. Serce musi przejsc przez cały stol co staje sie bardzo niebiezpieczne. (taka historia:P)

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Gość proszeproszeeeeeeeeee
Alone, sometimes in your free time watching online ads TP. I feel good because they are really very funny. -BEZ SENSU chodziło mi o to że: sama w wolnych chwilach ogladam reklamy TP w internecie. Poprawiaja mi humor poniewaz sa to naprawde smieszne historyjki.

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up up

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