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Gość areksowiiiloo

jezyk angielski, prosze o pomoc

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Gość areksowiiiloo

napisalem zadanie domowe po ang, ale nie wiem czy jest dobrze, moze ktos sprawdzic, i naprowadzic korekte? prosze.. Communication is really important part of studies. It is area where I have learned how to sell a product. Usefull thing is AIDA model. What mean: A- attention, I- interest, D- desire, A- action. If you want to sell your product seccessfully, firstly what you have to do, is gain attention. The second step is hold interest, as long as it is possible. When you got attention and interest, you have to change attitudes your consumers, and do everything that they will need your product. The last one is obtain action. AIDA model is really important, because without good selling, your product do not have big value. Another helpful thing what I have learned is Target group. You have to know for whom your product is, important aspect is age, and sex your consumers. I have improved how to communicate, and present my self. This topic was not new for me. Communication was something really important in my high school. I was on journalistic profile, where I have met a lot people from Tv, radio, and I worked with people who were totally unknown for me. I really liked it, because every assigment was always excited and useful. I have met a lot things on MMD, what i had not in my High school. For example, work with group.. in my high school I always worked individually, this studies have taught me, how to work with people from different countries and connect our ideas together. Really helpful for me were classes when we presented our products in front of audience, and short presentation to the camera. - Where you voice, and body language are really significant. Classes how to write an raport using Academic method, were also really helpful. I had never before done raport about my product. so, it was something new for me. Academic method including the most important part of raport, like: Front page Summery Table of content Introduction Thesis statment Methods Limiatation Research Analysis Conclusion Literature list Appendix

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Gość areksowiiiloo
chociaz mala pomoc...

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Gość areksowiiiloo

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Gość areksowiiiloo
widze las rak do pomocy, as always:D

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na początek zaimki! poczekaj - po południu wrócą nauczycielki, to zrobią to lepiej niż ja

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Gość bąblinka 12467
sprawdż użycie czasów, czasowników w odpoiwednich kontekstach, a/an/the - zapominasz o tym, jak masz czasowniki zwrotne to potrzebujesz "to". A slowka sprawdzaj nie tlumaczenia na polski tylko kontekst uzycia w ang.

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Gość bąblinka 12467
Piszesz ze byles na profilu dziennikarskim - wiec dla Twojej wiedomosci - nie uzywamy ...., potrzebujemy wstepu i zakonczenia kazdej wypowiedzi typu esej, zwroc na to uwage, i paamietaj, ze czasy po cos sa i operujac nimi zmieniasz znaczenie tego co piszesz, nie mozesz tez laczyc czasu present perfect i past simple na zasadzie stosowania ich zamiennie, bo oznaczaja one zupelnie cos innego

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Gość areksowiiiloo
ok dziekuje za rady, ale mimo to niewiele pomogly

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Gość areksowiiiloo
to jak, pomoze ktos?

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