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MAM 3 zadania z ang z czasow i kompletnie nie moge sobi eporadzic? moze jest tu ktos kto ma opanowane czasy i pomoze mi? pliss, probowalam ale mi nie wychodzi

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1.What .............................? Extroverts form close relationships. 2.How influential..................................? Jung was very influential. 3.Which...........................? The Myers-Briggs and Keirsey tests are based on his theory 4. Which filmmaker ..............? Stanly Kubrick read his work. 5.What ..........................? He rtied to interpred dreams. 6.Which....................? He wrote The Undiscoveres Self in 1957

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to zadanie nr 1 prosze pomozcie

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Gość z tond
to jest ćwiczenie z pytań szczegółowych a nie z czasów

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Gość whaaat
kind of relationships do extroverts form?

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influential was Jung?

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test are based on his theory?

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Gość whiiiich
filmmaker read his work?

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did he try to interpret?

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DZiękuję Wam ślicznie :) Mam nadzieję, że będzie dobrze. A teraz zad nr 2 Ułoż pytania do zdan 1. Sigmunt Freud was born on 6th May 1856 in Freiberg. 2. He went to the univercity of Vienna and studied medicine. 3. He graduated in 1881 as a Doctor of Medicine. 4. He lived in Vienna for 47 years. 6.In 1907 the psychiatrist Carl Jung was introduced to Freud ang together they formed the International Psychoanalitycial Association. 7. Jung was its first president. 8. Most of Freuds family emigrated to London. 9. His brother lost all his property when he left Vienna. 10. Freud lived in a house in Hampstad, London. 11. He died in 1939.

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