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Katherine Ferraresso

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Wszystko napisane przez Katherine Ferraresso

  1. Katherine Ferraresso

    Przedszkole Bright Child w Krakowie

    Unfortunately everything I read here is true! This is the worst kindergarten in Krakow, what they did to my son was the worst thing in the world! I was doing some diagnosis with my son and they wanted to force a lot that he had autism, but after having the diagnosis that my son did not have autism and they had already hired the assistant teacher, they started saying that he was terrible and could only stay in kindergarten for a monthly fee of 4 thousand zl, me paying the auxiliary teacher. If anyone wants i can send the email to prove that i am telling the truth. today my son goes to another kindergarten and we have no problems and his current teacher has already worked in that place and told me that they are like that, terrible people, they only think about money and that the best thing I did is to have taken him out of this place . The only thing i can say is, never put your child in that place !! Not to mention the Coordinator Malgorzata who lied to me a lot, she is a very bad person! I don't wish for anyone what I went through with these people and my son always says: Mom, the teachers in that kindergarten did not like me.