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Gość Beatrycze*

Kto sprawdzi czy poprawnie napisałam ?? Bardzo prosze

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Gość Beatrycze*

będe bardzo wdzięczna

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Gość Beatrycze*
napisałam list po angielsku ale nie jestem pewna czy uzyłam wszedzie poprawnych firm... jesli ktos zechciałby mi go sprawdzic będe wdzięczna

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Gość upupup
ale co???

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Gość ale ty wolno myslisz ...
Wklej go tutaj ... ludzie go sprawdza :) Chyba, ze wstydzisz sie tresci wtedy wszystko rozumiem :P

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Gość Beatrycze*
Thank you for (słowa otuchy)I promise that I do the best I can do with my life :) but I do't wont to be a no no hehe, after this kinde of study I can work at the firm like a counsel or something that. I think that will be not bad ;) Now Łukasz and Rosa is here in Płock. Filip is such a nice boy, I love that kid so much :) but when I see both of them (Łukasz and Rosa) I see that is Ok. but not very good...I think that you know what I mean. What about my exam hehe many of my friends was in shoked when I told them that I miss my exam, but this is live you know..not in this year maby in next year :) (jestem dobrej myśli). You wrote that maby maby maby :) you will come to Polland and I hope that you know you always pleasantly see here in grandmother house, for us you are like part of our familly :) That wiil be very very very nice if you come to us in this year :) Well, I must go to the photographer becaouse I need picture to my school..I wish you all best and hope that we keep in touch :) Big Kisses for you and uncle :*:*,

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Gość Beatrycze*
juz prosze prawdzcie mi to D:D:D:D:D

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Gość Beatrycze*
up up

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Thank you for (słowa otuchy)I promise that I will do the best decision in my life - I wont to be a no no hehe, after this kinde of my study I am going to work in the firm like a counsel or someone else. I think that will be not bad. Now Łukasz and Rosa are in Płock. Filip is such a nice boy, I love him so much but when I see both of them (Łukasz and Rosa) I see that is Ok. but not very good... (he? :/) I think you know what I mean. What about my exam hehe many of my friends were in shock when I told them that I missed my exam, but this is live, I will pass my exam next year! I hope You\'ll arrive to Poland because You are our family. That wiil be very very very nice if you come here in this year. Well, I must go to the photographer because Ihave to take a picture to my school..I wish you all best and hope that we keep in touch Big Kisses for you and uncle :*:*,

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Gość gftrtr
Thank you for word of encouragements (?)I promise that I will do the best I can do with my life but I don't wont to be a no no hehe, after this kind of study I can work at the firm like a counsel or something that. I think that will be not bad . Now Łukasz and Rosa is here in Płock. Filip is such a nice boy, I love that kid so much but when I see both of them (Łukasz and Rosa) I see that is Ok. but not very good...I think that you know what I mean. What about my exam hehe many of my friends was shocked when I told them that I misseed my exam, but this is live you know..not in this year maybe in next year (my things are positive). You wrote that maybe you will come to Poland and I hope that you know you are always welcome here in grandmother house, for us you are like part of our familly That illl be very nice if you come to us in this year . Well, I must go to the photographer because I need picture to my school..I wish you all best and hope that we keep in touch . Big Kisses for you and uncle :*:*,

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