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no prosze was o odpowiedz na temat tipsow

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robil ktos moze tipsy akrylowe albo zelowe bo ja chcialam zrobic ale sie wstydze isc bo mam strasznie poobgryzane panokcie a chcialabym juz z tym skaczyc mysle ze jak zrobie sobie sszztuczne to nie bede obgryzac i urozna mi swoej naturalne..ale ja sie strasznie wstydze :(((

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czego sie wstydzisz? ze masz poobgryzane?? Jejkuu nie ma sie czego wstydzic... wiesz ile mam kolezankek co obgryzaja a robia tipsy?? mnostwo...

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Nikt ci nie zwroci na to glupio uwagi, jedynie co to moze ci powiedziec ze zrobi ci jakies tam bo masz swoje za krotkie i to wszystko. mozesz sobie nawet zazartowac cos w stylu: '' noo takie obgryzione ale mysle ze da rade zrobic ladne tipsy?? ''

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Obgryzac tipsow nie bedziesz tylko ze jak ci juz odpadna to nie bedziesz miala znowu ochoty je obgrysc??

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Replica hermes are bags that are close to originally bags,it can be put as the second highest quality bags available in the market. The original styling of designer handbags are replicated sold out.A variety of collections are available,replica handbags are a fake version of the pricey designer handbags.The manufacturers of these replica handbags pay attention to the detailing production ensuring that they are up to the standards of the client's demands.Since the bags meet the expectation of the user satisfies the budget specification there is no harm in going for the replica handbags.The celebrities are the actual inspiration behind the rising demands of hermes bags A woman who wishes to look like an amazing star always tries to copy her but there is a problem; the branded bags are not affordable normally tagged with high cost.So how to deal with this issue, very simple go for replica handbags replica hermes are carbon copies of replica hermes handbags.What increase the demand of these handbags is the affordability as it is an available for all females.

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