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Topic po angielsku

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Gość All of you... Just fall on...
...your mothafuckin' knees, open my fly and suck muh mothafuckin' dik, yo! :classic_cool:

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Gość ++**++
Pudel z Guadelupy ja po 2 piwach miala bym problemy nawet z rozmowa w jezyku polskim :) a mozesz napisac w jaki sposob moge cwiczyc staram sie czytac ksiazki w jezyku angielskim oraz przez pewien czas przepisywac tekst w jezyku angielskim niestety skutki byly marne . chce zapisac sie na kurs ale to dopiero po wakacjach za wszelkie rady dziekuje

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Gość ++**++
Perhaps I can't speak English very well, but I'm extremely good at sucking the salty milkshake from ebony cumpipes :classic_cool:

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Gość ++**++
I'm looking at the Milky Way through the horses' telescopes :classic_cool:

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Gość ++**++
++**++ "Perhaps I can't speak English very well, but I'm extremely good at sucking the salty milkshake from ebony cumpipes" jestes poprostu zalosny ta wypowiedz swiadczy wlacznie o twoin poziomie,ktory jest bardzo niski

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Gość ++**++
My father joins me in the bathtub and orders me to look for the Loch Ness monster 😭

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Gość pirania z ostrymi zebami
Ty podszywacz dawaj tego twojego dika. Z przyjemnoscia ci go odgryze. i wtedy bedziesz cienko spiewal

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Gość halohaa
If you wanna be my friend.....................

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Gość kokokokoko
Hi i would like to enjoy u as well. In the next month im going to take ielts exam in uk . I need to pass it. Its great idea to improve our english at so stupid website lika kafeteria

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Gość kokokokoko

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kokokokoko -------> let's see if we can fix your post a little: Hi, I would like to join u as well. Next month I'm going to take the ielts exam in the UK. I need to pass it. It's a great idea to improve our English at this great website, Kafeteria. GET THE IDEA???

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Pani Marta - Could you explain tense Present Perfekt and Past Perfekt to me?

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Gość kokokokoko
hehe but im not agree with u. Why u spend time o n kafeteria? Im here just because im so bored and when im here i can laugh every time . Furthermore, its everything because some people making so funny topics.

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Gość kokokokoko
if u said it to me... im just thinking that SOME people are completely not serious. They have to much time like me now;)

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justa ----> you have to ask an English teacher to explain it to you, since I have no idea whatsoever ;-) I just know when to use them properly, but have no clue what the theory basis is, sorry. All I know is that Present Perfect is a past tense used to express an action that is done (completed), whereas Past Perfect is a tense to express an action that happened earlier than the action expressed in Present Perfect. Something like that :O

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Juets ----> yes, it is sometimes very hard to understand. It is much easier to simply speak the language, without wondering WHY use this or that...

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