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Gość ewelina89

3 minuty o sobie. PILNE!!!

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Gość ewelina89

My name is Ewelina.I'm 19 years old. I live in Bielsko-Biała.My mam and fether are works in shop.I have a three sisters.There names is Patrycja Weronika and Ilona .I have a brother .His name is Arek. My familly lives in Colville in England .I live in a small house with my boyfriend.I love him. I have in dog her name Misia .She is very frendly and funny.I like sport especially tenis and footbol. I can't swiming.Hovever Ilike photography but I've never thought about it as my hobby.I like cooking.On sunday I always going to the Cherch with my boyfriend. I interesing in music especially dance and rock.My best friend is Iza she's live in my town.She'e very friendly.She;s always help me with my problems .I work from Monday to friday in market.Ilike my job.I study every sekond weekend.Before I study (hotelarstwo) but I moved and I must choice ditrent school in my new city.My favorite subject in the new school is history.I like read books. Lost summer I read a very interesing book.It was a Hary Potter..Generally I don't have enought time for relaks becous in my free time I ussualy learn.My favorite coolors is red and blue.Every weekend I usually learn and meting with friends.Sometimes I'm lazy and messy.In the future would go to Africa becous i've alvays loved travel.In my life the most inportant is my familly and boyfriend.I have to be alone when I' dont have talking to my friend's. Generally I"m very happy young girl.

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Gość Boze jakie
żenująco prymitywnie proste...

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My name is Ewelina.I'm 19 years old. I live in Bielsko-Biała.My mam-> mum and fether -> (father) are works-> (work) in shop.I have a -> (bez przedimka) three sisters.There-> (their) names is ->(are) Patrycja, Weronika and Ilona .I have a-> (one) brother .His name is Arek. My familly lives in Colville in England .I live in a small house with my boyfriend.I love him. I have in-> (a) dog, her-> (it) name + (is) Misia .She is very frendly-> (friendly) and funny.I like sport, especially tenis-> (tennis) and footbol -> (football). I can't swiming -> (swim) .Hovever->( w ogóle nie pasuje do kontekstu wypowiedzie, skreśl to) I like photography but I've never thought about it as my hobby.I like cooking.On sunday-> (Sunday) I always going-> (go) to the-> (bez przedimka) Cherch-> (church) with my boyfriend. I + (am) interesing-> (interested) in music, especially dance and rock.My best friend is Iza. She's live-> (lives) in my town. She'e-> (She's) very friendly.She;s-> (She, bez 's) always help-> (helps) me with my problems .I work from Monday to friday-> (Friday) in market.I like my job.I study every sekond-> (second) weekend.Before I study-> (studied) (hotelarstwo)-> (the hotel trade) but I moved and I must-> (had to) choice-> (choose) ditrent-> (different) school in my new city.My favorite(skoro mieszkasz w Anglii, to favourite) subject in the new school is history.I like read-> (reading) books. Lost-> (Last) summer I read a very interesing-> (interesting) book.It was a-> (bez przedimka) Hary Potter..Generally I don't have enought time for relaks-> (relax) becous-> (because) in my free time I ussualy-> (usually) learn.My favorite-> (favourite) coolors -> (colours) is-> (are) red and blue.Every weekend I usually learn and meting-> (meet) with -> + (my) friends.Sometimes I'm lazy and messy.In the future ->+ (I) would ->+ (like to) go to Africa becous-> (because) i've-> (I've) alvays-> (always) loved travel-> (travelling).In my life the most inportant-> (important) is my familly and boyfriend.I have to-> (want to) be alone when (I' dont have) -> (I don't feel like) talking to my friend's-> (friends). Generally, I"m -> + (a) very happy young girl. Uff, trochę roboty było, mam nadzieję, że się połąpiesz w moich oznaczeniach, pododawałam przecinki, jak na osobę mieszkającą w Anglii robisz naprawdę głupie błędy i czasami piszesz dobrze, a czasmi to samo jest napisane błędnie, tzn., że nie myślisz jak piszesz albo się nie przykładałaś, naprawdę nie masz pojęcia o gramatyce anglielskiej i i to na poziomie bardzo podstawowym, lepiej weź się za naukę

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Gość hold on
a autorka cię pewnie olała, spisała pracę i zadowolona poszła w cholerę :o

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Gość daj sobie siana z tym
podnoszeniem, pewnie dodala temat do ulubionych i na pewno go znajdzie.

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Gość ewelina89
Znalazłam. Nie miałam chwilowo internetu. Dziękuję CI bardzo za pomoc :-) Nie mieszkam w Anglii,dopiero zaczynam się uczyć angielskiego.

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