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Gość xAka1990x

Prosze o przetlumaczenie... To bardzo wazne...

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Gość xAka1990x

Hello, I am very much interested in purchasing your item to complete an urgent International order. I will like to offer you EURO 420 for the item and i will be making payments with the Bank Transfer. Please get back to me as soon as possible with your Banking information's and let me know what the total cost will be shipping cost for the item via POCZTEX EMS to my Son's address provided below so that i can arrange for the payment as soon as possible. Also i will like to know the working condition of the item and as well as what will be coming with it.Get back tome as soon as possible for full transaction and also to ensure a fast business within the two parties.

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Gość wiecha
hahaha dostalam identycznego maila

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Gość xAka1990x
czyli jakas sciema na allegro...??;pp aa tak w jednozdaniowym skrocie mozesz powiedziec co tam nabazgrane...??;)

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