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The Generalitat constitutes a system made up of agents informed by the principal of coordination of all its organs. This means that each organ must adjust its means not only to its own ends but also to those of the Generalitat Administration as a whole, without impeding other organs or making it difficult for them to fulfil the competencies they have been allocated. Witam, moglby ktos mi pomoc to przetlumaczyc ?:) Z gory dziekuje.

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The Generalitat constitutes a system made up of agents informed by the princ*pal of coordination of all its organs. This means that each organ must adjust its means not only to its own ends but also to those of the Generalitat Administration as a whole, without impeding other organs or making it difficult for them to fulfil the competencies they have been allocated. the generalitiat stanowi układ stworzony z agentow zaznajomymi z zasada koordynacjo wszystkich swych organow .to znaczy ze kazdy organ musi dostosować swoje środki nie tylko do swych końców lecz takze do tych administracji(zarzadzania)generalitat jako całość bez zakłocania innych organów lub sprawianie trudnosci w wypelnianiu fachowosci ktore zostaly przydzielone

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Dziekiuje bardzoooo :) Dobrej nocy i milego dnia jutro zycze !:)

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heheh dopieor zauwazylem ze to translator :P

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