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Gość Katarinaaaa

zadanie z angielskiego

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Gość Katarinaaaa

gdyby ktoś mógł mi pomoc:) Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets. 1 _______ (you write) an e-mail to James last night? 2 I _______ (buy) the English-English dictionary because it was very expensive. 3 _______ (Stuart see) Karen yesterday evening? She wanted to speak to him. 4 We _______ (go) to the cinema last Friday. 5 Mum _______ (cook) last night. We went to a restaurant. 6 I don’t want lunch today because I _______ (have) a big breakfast this morning. 7 _______ (you go) to the film club last Wednesday?

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Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets. 1 _______ (you write) an e-mail to James last night? 2 I _______ (buy) the English-English dictionary because it was very expensive. 3 _______ (Stuart see) Karen yesterday evening? She wanted to speak to him. 4 We _______ (go) to the cinema last Friday. 5 Mum _______ (cook) last night. We went to a restaurant. 6 I don’t want lunch today because I _______ (have) a big breakfast this morning. 7 _______ (you go) to the film club last Wednesday? 1. Did you write 2. I didn't buy 3. Did Stuart see 4. We went 5. Mum didn't cooked 6. had 7. Did you go

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Gość a co ja z tego bede miec
? ;-) 1. Did you write... 2. I didn't buy 3. Did Stuart see... no i pozostałe lecisz. Past Simple

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Gość Katarinaaaa
kurcze:Dszybko wam to idzie... to macie dokładke 3 Complete the text with the correct past form of the verbs in the box. visit be do not have give go Last Saturday 1_______ my birthday. I 2_______ a party but Anna and I 3_______ to London for the weekend. We 4_______ some museums and Anna 5_______ some shopping. She 6_______ me an MP3 player for my birthday! Mark /6 Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 A person from Japan is _______. 2 A person from Australia is _______. 3 A person from France is _______. 4 A person from Britain is _______. 5 A person from Sweden is _______. Mark /5 5 Complete the text with the correct words. My grandfather was 1_______ in 1935. He 2_______ as a teacher when he was 22 and he met my grandmother when he was 25. They got 3_______ two years later. My grandfather taught all his life until he 4_______ when he was 65. Sadly, he 5_______ in 2004. Mark /

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Gość kless
A na sprawdzanie kto ci pomoze? W zyciu kto ci pomoze?:O

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Gość Katerinaaaa
ale mnie nie interesuje ang. za to uwielbiam niemiecki.. ang. zostawie sobie na pozniej..nienawidze mieszac dwoch językow :) jakbym chciala to uparcie bym zrobila te zadania,ale za 2h ... a tak to co ... trzeba isc czasem na łatwizne.. nikt nie jest doskonały :)

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Gość kless
No jasne, na kafeterii zawsze znajdziesz jakies jelonki, ktore az sie pala, aby sie wykazac. Te zadania sa banalnie proste i kazdy powinien znac angielski na takim poziomie, nawet jak nie lubi tego jezyka:O

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Gość chyba tak ma byc
3 Complete the text with the correct past form of the verbs in the box. visit be do not have give go Last Saturday 1_was______ my birthday. I 2______was visited_ a party but Anna and I 3_went______ to London for the weekend. We 4__were visiting_____ some museums and Anna 5___went ____ some shopping. She 6_______gave me an MP3 player for my birthday! Mark /6 Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 A person from Japan is ____japanish___. 2 A person from Australia is _____australian__. 3 A person from France is __french_____. 4 A person from Britain is ______british_. 5 A person from Sweden is _____swedish__. Mark /5 5 Complete the text with the correct words. My grandfather was 1__born_____ in 1935. He 2___worked____ as a teacher when he was 22 and he met my grandmother when he was 25. They got 3__married_____ two years later. My grandfather taught all his life until he 4___retired____ when he was 65. Sadly, he 5__died_____ in 2004. Mark /

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Gość Katerinaaaa
no to trudno jestem tępa :) i to moja sprawa jak nie chcesz to nie rozwiązuj mi tego;]

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Gość xhyba tak ma byc
O kurcze, myslalam o "I was invited to a party.." haha :) wymysl najpierw co moze byc po polsku - np bylem zaproszony ale...z tych czasownikow bo nei chce mi sie myslec o tej porze ;p

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5 .Mum didn't cook

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Gość chyba tak ma byc
Jeżeli każde ma byc wykorzystane 1 raz to I had a party Anna did some shopping

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Gość piąte.
kurcze szybko wam to idzie... to macie dokładke 3 Complete the text with the correct past form of the verbs in the box. visit be do not have give go Last Saturday 1_it was______ my birthday. I 2_didn,t have_____ a party but Anna and I 3_went______ to London for the weekend. We 4__visited_____ some museums and Anna 5_did______ some shopping. She 6_bought______ me an MP3 player for my birthday! Mark /6 Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 A person from Japan is _Japanese______. 2 A person from Australia is _Australian______. 3 A person from France is ___French____. 4 A person from Britain is _British______. 5 A person from Sweden is _Swedish______. Mark /5 5 Complete the text with the correct words. My grandfather was 1_born______ in 1935. He 2__worked_____ as a teacher when he was 22 and he met my grandmother when he was 25. They got 3__married_____ two years later. My grandfather taught all his life until he 4_retired______ when he was 65. Sadly, he 5_died______ in 2004. Mark /

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Gość Lektorkaaaa
Japanish??? Super :)

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We write nationalities with a capital letter

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Gość piąte.
Dawaj jeszcze...

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Gość Katerinaaaa
dziękuję naprawde:) aa prosze bardzo jak taka chętna:))) Write an e-mail to a friend about your week. Include the following information: • what you did at school/college • what you did after school and in the evenings

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Gość Katerinaaaa
dobra to ostatnie napisalam,ale czy dobrze to nie wiem:) Hallo! Today i have a lot lesson.I am very tire.I wrote two axaminations,and has gone me goods.After school I met with my friends.I ate good dinner.Next i came for house and drew and learnt. Bay :)takkk wiem,ze bardzo skromnie,ale jestem na podstawie i szczerze? tyle mi wystarczy...dobrze to czy sa jakies błędy?:>

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Gość piąte
Hi, I'm really very sorry I didn't write for so long ,but I was busy with with my project at school . In the evenings I had to take care of my relatives who came to my place. We were visiting the city, spending time at the restaurants and doing shoping,.Then I went for the weekend with my family and that's why I couldn' answer your e- mail. Now I am back. Hope to meet you soon!!!! Bye

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Gość piąte
dobra to ostatnie napisalam,ale czy dobrze to nie wiem Poprawiam,... Hello! Today I had a lot of lessons.I am very tired.I wrote two exams (tests),and I think I did well . After school I met my friends.I ate good dinner.Next Icame back home and I was drawing and learning. Bye

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parę literówek mi się wkradło w poprzednim

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Gość Katerinaaaa
hahah:D no nie... długo Ci zajęła nauka języka angielskiego? ja ucze sie 2rok.. 2LO ii tak przyznam,ze ze słownikiem gdybym sie postarala to bym cos tam napisała ,ale ... chciałabym umiec płynnie mówic itd.. poki co niemiecki u mnie góruje :) też cięzki język,ale jego się już troche ucze i całkiem lubie ten język.. a ang. to z czystego lenistwa ...aby tylko ktos za mnie cos zrobił:O wiem.. tragedia

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