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ESSAY Z ANGOLA - proszę rumaków angola o pomoc

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Cześć kochani, ostatnio prosiłam o pomoc przy podaniu paru wątków które mogłabym umieścić w essayu, pewna osóbka mi go napisała. Parę rzeczy poprawiłam ale proszę jeszcze bardzo bardzoo o sprawdzenie przez osoby które mają ten gift! do pisania po angielsku :)) OTO ESSAY TEMAT: Too much emphasis is placed on educational qualifications. Nowadays it is quite common that a lot of people graduate the best universities with two or more faculties. If that is the case, why they cannot find a suitable job? In my opinion it is because the most emphasis is places on experience rather than education. To start with, there is a wrong opinion that the more schools you graduate you have more chances to land a job. Young people graduate when they are already 27 years old. They have a lot of knowledge but it is, unfortunately, just an empty skill with no real-life application. Very few employers do not hire new graduates because of the fear that such move would not benefit their companies. It is expensive to train inexperienced people and it takes time and money. Instead, they prefer to employ someone who have already learned the trade in their previous jobs, believing that person would be more productive. What is more, young people go to universities when they are around 20, which should be a great time to gain experience. This does not mean they need to give up studying and striving for intellectual perfection, but that they should keep their eyes open for arising opportunities. In todays world people can do both study and work so having a part-time job is a great thing to include in CV. Also, various schools offer external studies available to everyone, which allows students to work. Full-time students should also take an interest in summer internships or apprenticeships home or abroad. It is better to have just one degree and some work experience than several faculties and head jammed with theory. In several countries, unlike in Poland, students often choose to do a professional placement. It means that after two years of studying for their bachelor degree, they go to work for a year and then come back to do the final year at the university. The employers contact universities, then interview students and few lucky ones go to a full-time job. The once who give up this option or do not manage to get the vacancy usually take on different roles in the university, such as student union representatives or chairmen of clubs and societies which is important because they can to show that they can organise themselves and do many things at once. Also, in western countries students do not focus on studying. They go to work and if they feel that they need more qualifications they decide to do it after a year or two, or even do it in a part-time studying as still working. Moreover, not everyone are academic. We all have different predispositions, likes, dislikes and talents. Some people would do really well in jobs that do not require a degree, for instance plumbing, electrics, building, cooking and so on, but there are also people who work in very important professions without education such as computer scientist, administrative employee, marketer and so on. It depends on skills. Society in general especially parents often push young people to study subjects they do not interest in, which results in broken dreams and pure productivity in work. It is not a very rare occurrence that someone is denied a job for being over-qualified. The managers of firms are usually employed by directors and one of their responsibilities is to interview new recruits. If an applicant has a wide list of qualifications, the manager could be scared of losing his position and decide to employ someone with fewer qualifications than himself. In addition, employers want to know that a potential candidate for the job is good in other things than just studying and almost 30-year-old person who has never working does not paint a great picture and does not inspire trust. I strongly believe that is important to show the employers that we are capable to learning new things by graduating universities but to keep things real at the same time people should gain experience. In my opinion a bit less emphasis should be placed on extensive education to allow young people follow their hearts and do what they feel is best for them.

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is places on - is PLACED the more schools you graduate you have more chances to land a job - chyba lepiej : the more schools you graduate the more chances you get a job but it is, unfortunately, just an empty skill - but unfortunately, it is ... Very few employers do not hire new graduates - sama sobie zaprzeczasz albo Few employers hire new graduates albo many employers do not hire new graduates

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"such move would not benefit their companies" - such move would not bring benefits for their companies

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"and it takes time and money" - and it takes too much time and money

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In todays world people can study and work at the same time. Having a part-time job is a great thing to include in CV

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ojej, duzo tego wieczorem jak znajde czas to zerkne na reszte

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ok dziekuje bede czekać :))

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halo halo wpadnie tu ktoś jeszcze pomóc :(

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witam proszę osoby dobre z angola o poprawienie błędów jeśli to możliwe :))

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