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Gość rusiian girl

I am Russian girl.

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Gość rusiian girl

I moved here from Moscow three years ago. I was living in the suburbs of the capital in real poverty. My mother was a cheap tailor. Mu father was a miner. He left us with his lover when I was five. I had a terrible childhood. I'm looking for a husband in Poland. I can cook, iron, clean, make good blowjobs and lots more. Please contact me!!!!

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Gość rusiian girl
I don't speak Polish but I understand a lot of words. I had neighbours from Poland. But I'm a quick leearner:)

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Gość Witalij
russian girl , suck my dick bitch

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Gość Smolensk Girl
Czego tu szukasz ??? Wariata co ci forse da ????

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Gość rusiian girl
Of I forgot to add my body measures....I'm 176 tall, 56 kg, slim, good-looking, very sexy, dark blonde hair of medium leghth, waist- 60, hips 90

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Gość rusiian girl
zasymiluje- what does it mean? I'm 25 years old

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Gość rusiian girl
wariata co ci forse da? what? forsa-money ?

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Gość Ryyyysiu26
Russian girls hmmm don't speak english, русский язык

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Gość rusiian girl
ja liublju jebsukowyje malciki... ja chaciu lizat waszyje wenżowyje

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Oh my God! Your father left you and your mother with his lover? What about her? Is she still living with you and your mom? :P

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Gość rusiian girl
dyrektore? are you a director or a manager? vip? if so,i'm interested:) not that I want just money but the standard of living is important for me too. That's why I left my poor neighbourhood.

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Gość Smolensk girl
Co za glupcy zdrajcy!!!!

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Gość rusiian girl
I learnt English at school.

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Gość Ryyyysiu26
Что 'это зн'ачит?

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Gość rusiian girl
malciki-ja chaciu lizat waszyje wenżowyje

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Gość rusiian girl
You dont have to be handsome, you can even be bald .I'm looking for a nice, warm, caring man who will look after me

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Gość Ryyyysiu26
co to za Rosjanka co po rosyjsku nic nie umie napisac :) pfffff temat zakonczony

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Gość rusiian girl
No I can't. I'm better at English than at Polish.Ok I could write here in your language but I want to make myself clear and omit misunderstandings

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Gość rusiian girl
If I wrote here in Russian, 99% wouldn't understand me.

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Gość To ja wydupcie i wyslijcie
do Smolenska. Znam ich wiele , jak cisna sie niemca do lozka za pieniadze i mozliwosc pobytu za granica. A wy jak tepe napalency , nie ma co sie dziwic, ze polki wola Turkow, bo ci nie sa tacy glupcy.

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Gość rusiian girl
Ok but please, let's cut to the chase,is anyone interested in meeting me?

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Gość rusiian girl
I was a transvestite ... I love the taste of sperm and anal sex

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Gość rusiian girl
It wasn't me!!!!! Russian girls are more attractive than Polish ones!!!!!

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Gość rusiian girl
my name is Igor

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Gość ruddfss
Idiotyzm, Rosyjska dziewczyna pisze na polskim forum po angielsku :o

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Gość rusiian girl
sb is spoofing me, idiot

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Gość rusiian girl
I had a penis dream

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