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Gość angielskinocoment

Pomożecie w angielskim....

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Gość angielskinocoment

Molecules are made up of atoms and the symbols for the atoms of the constituent elements are used for the formula for the molecule. Thus H2 stands for a molecule of hydrogen and indicates that such a molecule is composed of two atoms while P4 represents a molecule of phosphorus which is composed of four atoms. Compounds are formed by the union of atoms of two or more elements and the formula for a compound stands for one molecule of the compound and indicates its composition. Thus CO2 represents one molecule of carbon dioxide and indicates that such a molecule is made up of one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen. Explanations used for - wykorzystane dla stands for - oznacza, przedstawia Exercise Oznacz plusem (+) zdania prawdziwe, a minusem (-) fałszywe: 1. Atoms are made up of molecules. Odp. - ? 2.Molecules are composed of atoms. Odp. + ? 3. Molecules of compounds are made up of different atoms. 4. Molecules of elements are not made up of similar atoms.

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Gość angielskinocoment

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Gość wydaje mi siee
1. - 2. + 3. - 4. - nie jestem pewna

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Gość o jashkujashku

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Gość aha ii ach
- + + - czyli jak osoba wyzej

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