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Gość ruda543965843

angielski - sprawdzenie

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Gość ruda543965843

Moglby mi ktos spwawdzic prace i ewentualnie poprawic najbardziej rażące błędy? Is graffiti art or vandalism? It's hard to say graffiti is vandalism ort art. It's depends of factors. Some people want to express their feeling or just show talent by painting graffiti. In my opinion it isn't bad. Some people can make beautiful painting which are admire by other. I think it's work of art. Yhis artists can express themselves. They can be inspired by life experience or some social issues. By draws or slogans they can pay attention other people on some problems. Mayby they painting on streets because they haven't anough money to go to art school. Thier draws can decorate grey and destroyed bloks. Dwars can be very corolful and positive. But some people use graffiti to express their anger. They writing swear words ond drawing somethings senseless or stupid. It's just vandalism. Some teenagers want to prove their friends that they don't scary about consequences and they can do it. It's make that they destroyed buldings and people think that graffiti it's just vandalism. I think than artists should have better conditions to develop thier passion. Their talent often are wasted and underestimated.

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Gość a wy ile
tyle bledow ze nie cce mi sie..

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It depends on factors.

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It depends on many factors bedzie najlepiej brzmialo.

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It's hard to say if graffiti is vandalism or art. It depends on many factors. Some people want to express their feeling or just show talent by painting graffiti. In my opinion it isn't bad. Some people are able to make beautiful paintings which are admired by others. I think it's work of art. Thanks to that those artists express themselves. They are inspired by life experience or some social issues. By draws or slogans they pay attention of other people to some problems. They sometimes make paintings on the streets because they haven't enough money to go to art school. Their draws can decorate grey and destroyed buildings. Draws are very often very colourful and positive. But some people use graffiti to express their anger. They write swear words and draw ssomething senseless or stupid. It's just vandalism. Some teenagers want to prove their friends that they aren't afraid of consequences and they can do it. It makes them destroy buldings and people think that graffiti is just vandalism. I think than artists should have better conditions to develop thier passion. Their talents are often wasted and underestimated.

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