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Gość Mr Sharma from India

Hi I'm looking for Polish friends

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Gość hhkdlf can't bump into a website, you can bump into a person, or come across a website so please refrain from giving advice on english..

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Gość maniooo ciekawskiii =)
Hindusów, nie Indyjczyków

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Gość Seletha
Oh no, grammar nazis! It's too bad that you can't even write colloquially on here (as I would on any other english website) because on here, it's all about formal writing. Hey, I think I just came up with a job you could do : go on 4chan or some other page like that and correct all the people who write there. For god's sake, I've lived in Canada since I was 11, but I guess that now that I've said that, that gives you the right to bitch at me and tell me that i'm bragging;). It's all good though

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Gość Indyijczyk

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Gość zydzi to pikusie
W Stanach nie ma gorszych skapiradel od Hindusow, Zydzi to przy nich pikusie!Hindus za dolara to by sie dal obedrzec ze skory. Smierdziuchy jedne. Fuj!

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Gość push it to the limit
"Indianie" hehehe też z tego lałam :D

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Gość push it to the limit
Jakie te dzieci na kafeterii niedouczone... Indianie to w Ameryce są!!! W Indiach - Hindusi. Skąd nazwa? Nazwa „Indianie została nadana ludom Ameryki przez Krzysztofa Kolumba, który myślał, że dopłynął do Indii.

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Gość push it to the limit
Mnie jeden Hindus znał chwilę i od razu chciał się ze mną chajtać i mieć dziecko (w Niemczech mieszkam), więc muszą mieć coś z głową :P

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Gość push it to the limit
Płakał, jak go olałam i nazwał mnie rasistką. "Nie chcesz mnie, bo jestem czarny". Olałam go, bo był pieprzonym napaleńcem!!!

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Hi all. Thanks for the comments. All posts from 00.12 are not mine, someone was using my nickname, don't know why would they do that? I had to ask one of my mates to translate some of your posts written in polish. Someone said that I should speak polish if I live in Poland. I'm trying to learn but it's hard for me. But that's not very nice of you to say, I used to live in United Kingdom and there wasn't many people speaking english. Anyways I work for an American company based here in Warsaw. I studied in my home city Mumbai. Helena you said that you like Bollywood movies. Yes there are nice, but real life in India doesn't look so cute like in those movies. Sometimes if two young people fall in love with each other and if their parents are against them, then it's gonna be hard. In Bollywood movies everything ends up nicely but in real life not. Now folks, it's getting really late, goodnight all and thanks for chat. I may come back here 2morrow if anyone wants to chat, mu topic is open. Thanks and goodnight.

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Gość starodupcev

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Gość colastopsex
hi najs tu mit ju aj from poland i lajk pipul mejbi we got a best frends?

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Gość colastopsex
i wery like eat shaorma

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Gość colastopsex
sharma do you don writing with mi

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Gość silwergold
SheRuinedMyMind Tak W USA znalem paru Indyjczykow i mowili bardzo dobrze po Angielsku. Moze ten gosc studiowal za granica? w USA bardzo duzo azjatow i indyjczykow na studiach. Indyjczycy? Co to za twór? Hindusi -tak sie poprawnie mówi:)

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