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Gość adammajchrzyk19

Jezyk Angielski, potrzebna mala pomoc

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Gość adammajchrzyk19

miałem napisać krótko o jednym ze szkolnych przedmiotów. Jaki jest, i co się nauczyłem. napisałem, ale nie mam pewności czy jest dobrze gramatycznie i stylistycznie, gdyby ktoś mógł to przeczytać i ocenić, ewentualnie narzucić swoje poprawki, byłbym wdzięczny!:) Interaction development is an important subject, where you can learn a lot useful and interesting things. It is the subject area where you got to learn how to use Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 and Flash. First tool is a place where you can create your own website, using HTML, XHTML, and CSS. For spice your page, you can always use Adobe Flash, what can be used in different ways. You can create animations, or something what suprise visitors. It is good way, to do your website more profesional. Interaction development classes was very important and helpful for me. I started from the begining what was a little difficult. I had never worked with tools like Adobe Dreamweaver or Flash. On classes I have learned what it is HTML, XHTML, and CSS. Everything what I know today, is because this studies.

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Gość adammajchrzyk19
no blagam, nie chce dostac paly :DDD wystarczy ze na dwojach jade:D

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Gość adammajchrzyk19
dzieki wielkie, wiecej bledow nie mam?:DD

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Gość Lelek01010
moze byc tylko pare poprawek For spice it up your page , choc uwazam ze to troche zbyt potoczne wyrazenie. That can be used in different ways. It is good way to make your page look moore profesional. I started as a bigginer, it was a little bit difficult for me because I had never before worked ...

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Gość adammajchrzyk19
o super, wezme to pod uwage, i zaraz zrobie korekte! :))

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profesional begining suprise a lot useful and interesting thing Interaction development classes was tu masz bledy - polkniete literki a w ostatnim jak classes to were

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Gość adammajchrzyk19
dziekuje bardzo, mam nadzieje ze z tymi wszystkimi poprawkami, moj tekst bedzie wygladal naprawde dobrze:)

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Gość brumbrumbrummmm
Trochę błędów jest. Gubisz prepositions, pojedyńcze literki itp. trochę błędów gramatycznych, gerunds (np. For spicing up yor website - musisz dodać -ing do czasownika, można napisać To spice up your website albo To add flavour to your website - trochę bardziej formalne jak dla mnie). W niektórych miejscach złe relative clauses (najczęściej what zamiast that).

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Gość adammajchrzyk19
dobra, z poprawkami wyglada to tak.. mam nadzieje ze jest lepiej.. moglby ktos ocenic? Interaction development is an important subject, where you can learn a lot useful and interesting things. It is the subject area where you got to learn how to use Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 and Flash. First tool is a place where you can create your own website, using HTML, XHTML, and CSS.To spice up your website, you can always use Adobe Flash, That can be used in different ways. You can create animations, or something what surprise visitors.It is good way to make your page look more professional. Interaction development classes were very important and helpful for me.I started as a beginner, it was a little bit difficult,because I had never before worked with tools like Adobe Dreamweaver or Flash. On classes I have learned what it is HTML, XHTML, and CSS. Everything what I know today, is because of this studies.

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Gość adammajchrzyk19

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