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Bolec 33 lata

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Po 30 sekundach Im so sad that Steve Jobs is not there with us anymore. What happened to Apple. Where are ipods. Where are revolutionary things. Why Steve Jobs had to die so quickly. Steve we need you back!! Can't you see what happened to apple? Where are the revolutionary iphones, why all iphones all iphones are the same now, just bigger and quicker why iphones are not improving. Why everything from apple like ipad pro, iphone 6, uses the same system. Why iphone 4s is so much different than previous versiom of iphone. Why iphone 4s is such a gorgeous thing that i love and i think its gonna be my only smartphone in my life. Its so sad to me when i see how apple company changed into company of thieves that just rob their customers. Its sad how people are so mindless that they are being tricked by apple politics all the time and now everyone wants iphone that apparently looks and is like samsung. Wheres this change to other gadgets that apple always produced. Why apple changed into the crap for masses, why apple is trying to change into microsoft. Why apple does things that orher companies do. Wheres the vision that your company had, steve what happened?? Steve, where are you, come back, apple doesnt change world anymore, it makes world worse

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Dlaczego. Bo k***a chca kasy jak najmniejszym kosztem czyli jak najmniej zainwestowac w innowacje a jak najwiećej lyknac kasy. Nie ma dzobsa nie ma nowych pomyslow i chuj. Po co o tym tyle gadac wez spbie kup lg i bedzie spokoj pedale

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Ja pedal? Android to taki sam syf jaki dzisiaj robi apple syf kila i mogila xD 3 wielkie korpo do googla nic nie mam choc twierdze i mysle ze google niszczy w ludziach zdolnosc samodzielnego myslenia, ale androida nie pochwalam. Windows phone fajnie kosztuje. Apple coz napisalem juz o tym

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