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Don't chase a pussy, chase a dream.

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Guys, Your Dick Is Unapologetic. Don't chase the pussy, chase the dream. The pussy comes automatically as a result. Hi. I'm Professor Cos. What I'm about to share with you, is something I learned the hard way. Hopefully, and dick willing, you can learn this the easy way. Guys... Those 11, 12, and 13 year old girls that you see today, are gonna be 21, 22, and 23, 10 years from now! And they are gonna be the hotter version of the 21, 22, and 23 year old girls that you're chasing today that are ignoring you for the successful guys that are 10, 20, and even 30 years older than you, or who are only interested in you if you're interested in "commitment". You don't want commitment. You want to get laid. And the 21, 22, and 23 year olds of today, are not gonna be so hot 10 years from now when they are 31, 32, and 33, especially when you're successful and can get the 21, 22, and 23 year olds in abundance, without having to chase them and spend money and make a bunch of unnecessary effort, like talking to them and listening to their annoying bullshit. WARNING: Be very careful around women that are aged between 30 and 36, especially if they don't have kids! Those bitches have baby rabies. Their biological clock is ticking. Plus they are looking for commitment and are only using sex as a loss leader. They are the easiest women for sex but they are quicksand! They will settle for almost any guy and kill his dream to live her dream. Remember what Professor Cos's professor aka Judge Judy said..... "women have a grotesque need to nest". Remember what Professor Cos's other Professor aka Tom Leykis said.... "D.T.B" (dump that bitch) Remember what Professor Cos's other Professor aka Erin Pizzey said..... "stay away". Date women that are safer like women whose market value have declined significantly, like women between 37 and 50 who are seeking young guys at cougar bars. If that's too old for you, then go for the skanks that go for any guy wether he's rich or poor. My personal choice are the hood rats with low self esteem. If you have a nice haircut, some decent sneakers, and more than 20 bucks, you will look like a superstar compared to the scrubs that they make fun of in their neighbourhood. Who cares if they aren't as hot as you want. Deal with that for now. Also, don't be afraid of fat bitches. They give good hummers. Hey..... You just need to get your rocks off as you focus on your dream. Hot chicks are your futre. Don't worry about them right now. Hit the books. Hit the gym. Work. Save your money. Don't let society fool you or shame you by telling you that you're gonna be too old by the time you're successful. Bullshit. That applies to women, not to men. Time is on your side if you're a man. As a man, your market value and your power and importance increases with age. A woman's decreases. Even if you want to live a woman's dream of nesting, your reproductive tool is useful to you until you're dead. So you're in no rush. A woman can't have kids after a certain age. And the less attractive she is, the harder it is for her to get a successful guy that will want to impregnate her. Guys don't have that problem. Guys also don't have to be physically attractive, especially if they're successful. Poor men are settling for, nesting with, and even married to, women that are fat, ugly, old, and/or are single mothers. Don't be that guy. Pump em and dump em. Don't feel sorry for them. They made their choices when they were younger and hotter. Don't fuck your life up like they did by trying to "simp"athize with them. The law can actually hold you responsible for their bastards and crumb crunchers if you help out too much and get them to rely on you. I'm not making this up. Don't do it boys! Listen to their sad stories, pretend to give a shit, get laid, get gone. Who cares if you're a jerk by ignoring them. They didn't mind being a jerk when they were ignoring you for "better guys" who were actually jerks who left them hanging. Now that they're over the hill, they want a "nice guy". That's their problem. Not yours. If she calls you "inconsiderate" or tells you "you lack empathy" or "you don't care about anyones feelings" here's what you tell her.... "Bitch please". WARNING: Hot chicks are attracted to focused men. Don't get excited. Don't let them fool you. They either see you as marriage material/family man, or they are hoes that are riding your coattail. It's generally the former. They know you're broke, but they know you're not gonna stay broke. And they definitely know you're not a loser. That's very sexy to girls. Don't be the guy that knocks up the first hot piece of ass he sees. It's gonna cost you big time. You gotta get to your destination. Those hot chicks that you see prior to achieving your dream are like roadblocks. Good luck on your journey to success! Bon voyage!?

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