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Kapela Józka Poloka

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Bardzo roznie....zalezy ... wlasciwie wszystkie ktore slucham sa ulubione 🙂

M.Jackson - Got to be there , You are not Alone... One day in Your Life, I'll be there

Chlopcy z Placu broni - Kocham Cie, jestes sliczna, Staszek,

Del Shannon "Runaway"

T Rex - Hot love. Mystic Lady

Lennon - Woman


Sporo roznych przewaznie lata 60- 80 ale nowoczesne tez

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Michał, posluchaj sobie there must be more to life than this MJa i Freddiego 🙂

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Gość Dżastina

H. I. M (Gone with the sin💔, The funeral of heart, Join me in death, Killing loneliness, And love said no, Bury me deep inside, In joy and sorrow, Pretending, Kiss of dawn)

The Rasmus (In the Shadow, Justify, Sail Awail, Livin in a World..) 

Linkin Park (Leave the rest, Castle of Glass, Burn it down, Waiting for the end, Crawling, Numb) 

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Gość Adamo

No jak to kto Perfect <3 

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