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Gość aniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

pomozcie mi przetlumaczyc kilka zdan z angielskiego

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Gość aniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

mam do przetlumaczenia artukul.jednak nie moge sobie poradzic z kilkoma zdaniami przez co nie wiem o co w nim chodzi.bardzo was prosze o pomoc bo juz nie wiem co robic.wiem ze jest tego troche ale prosze chociaz o przetlumaczenie tego co wiecie. It is so well run that bankers whisper about a possible public listing. Some believe microlenders have no business making money from the poor. In some places microlenders need to raise $50m or more to become deposit-taking banks, for example. . In Venezuela, Argentina and elsewhere the government is making noises about jumping in with subsidised microloans, which could put profitable microlenders out of business. This bolsters the donors' own balance sheets and also strengthens their case whenever they must convince sceptical finance ministries and taxpayers that their largesse does yield results. Indeed, it exited the first microfinance debt fund, which it helped create, three years before its ten-year commitment ran out, because there was so much interest from the private sector. They, too, can crowd out for-profit money and, more importantly, local deposits which provide sustainable funding, and also a safe place for the poor to save.

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