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I am writing to tell you we are changing the amount of child benefit we pay you . i tu podany moj bank dalej.. The new amount and the way yor benefit is made up is shown on the next page under the heading How yor child benefit is worked out How yor child benefit is worked out total weekly rates from 6 aug 2007 30,20 3 sept2007 18,10 basic amounts martin 18,10 - 6 august 3 sept - NIL mateusz 12,10 august 3 sept 18,10 dlaczego zabrali dla starszego syna skoro sie uczy w pelnym wymiarze czasu mimo ze skonczyl 16 lat? tym bardziej ze jestem samotna matka? chyba ze ja to zle przeczytalam ? przetlumaczcie wy to prosze

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Gość w tym co podalas..
wcale nie jest napisane, ze komus zabrali, tylko, ze zmienili...ale w tych liczbach to sie gubie..nie rozumiem tego, albo ty to zle przepisalas...

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Gość bbbaaa
What happens as your child approaches age 16 In the school year in which your child reaches 16 we’ll write to you to find out if they are going to carry on in full-time further education or approved training and, if so, the date you expect them to leave. After we receive your reply, we’ll write to tell you if we can continue to pay Child Benefit. If we don’t receive a reply, or if you tell us that your child doesn’t intend to continue in full-time further education or approved training, we will stop Child Benefit from the first Monday in September. What counts as full time education - further information What counts as approved training - further information If we stop the payments but you think your child still qualifies (for example if the child’s plans have changed since you wrote to us, or you didn’t reply telling us about the child’s plans), contact the Child Benefit Office straight away. This will enable us to restart the payments where necessary.

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Gość tak to zrozumialam
martin 18,10 - 6 august 3 sept - NIL mateusz 12,10 august 3 sept 18,10 chodzi o to ze od 3 sept matin nie bedzie dostawal nic Nil tak to zrozumialam co znaczy ten wyraz NIL ?

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Gość tak to zrozumialam
fajny tekst tylko ze po angielsku niestety ja mialam mature z niemieckiego moge w zmian cos z niemieckiego przetlumaczyc przetlumaczcie to prosze

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Gość NIL-znaczy zero
wiec chyba masz racje..

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Gość NIL-znaczy zero
musisz sie skontaktowac z biurem w tej sprawie i ci przywroca

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Gość tak to zrozumialam
dziekuje za zyczliwosc i przetlumaczenie

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