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Gość aluNnnia

wypracowanie krótkie z angielskiego, kto sprawdzi? proszę

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Gość aluNnnia

Proszę o sprawdzenie tego wypracowania, temat My first journey abroad. Mile widziane dodanie czegoś, w końcu to wypracowania. będę wdzięczna :) My first journey abroad was terrific, because I was car accident. Fortunately nothing for nobody happened. My journey got off to a bad start but holidays were excellent very much. I was in the beautiful, solar country - in Italy. Long I waited for this travel. I was in Italy on my family. I was there for entire holidays. I visited many beautiful country which have very interesting architecture. I liked the most a Venice, this city is incredible and romantic. I don’t fancy for oneself how it is possible there to live since it is a city on water. There People don’t drive a car. I adore Italian kitchens and ice-cream. When I was in Italy I could of it of everything taste. There is always a beautiful weather in Italy and a sun is shining, so I have often gone to the beautiful lake and I sunbathed. I had beautiful suntan. These were ones of my best holidays. I could getting to know by the culture, custom of different country. I will never forget my first of travel abroad, which in spite of began unpleasantly, was beautiful.

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Gość ojojojojojo
I was car accident -> I had a car accident excellent very much -> excellent Long I waited -> I've been waiting long I visited -> I've visited There People don’t drive a car -> People don't drive cars there Sprawdziłem baaaardzo pobieżnie.

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Gość aluNnnia
dzięki :) sprawdzi ktoś jeszcze?? pewnie tam pasuje jeszcze cos dopisać, ale ja już nie mam pomysłu. proszę o pomoc :)

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Gość anglista..
MASAKRA. Dziecię, czyś ty to wrzuciła do jakiegoś translatora??? Po prostu nie ma zdania ani wyrażenia poprawnego w tym bełkocie.

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po pierwsze-czy-podroz-była terrific czy terryfing?

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Gość akdjakak
To jest miazga językowa nie wypracowanie.

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Gość aniaaaaa275456
no straszne straszne .. przeczytalam pierwsza linijke .. i co najmiej 5 bledow tam jest ..... nie chce mi sie czytac .. i sprawdzac bo musialabym za ciebie od poczatku to napisac ..

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Gość oh my god...
blad na bledzie

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My first journey abroad was terryfying because I had a car accident. Fortunetely, nothing dramatic happened. I waited for this holiday for such a long time. I went to a beautiful sunny country- Italy with my family.

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Gość aniaaaaa275456
My first journey abroad was terrible because I had a car accident. Fortunately there was no casualties. Despite my journey had bad start, all my holidays was excellent. I was there all 2 months. I have visited a lot of beautiful countries, that have vaery interesting architecture. I enjoyed the most Venice because it's incredible and romantic.

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Gość aluNnnia
bałgam pomóżcie mi z tego zrobić wypracowanie :(:(:(

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I visited a lot of beautiful countries where good examples of some interesting pieces of architecture are. I liked Venice most- an incredible and romantic city. I wonder how it is possible to live there since this is the city placed on water. People don't use cars there at all.

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I visited a lot of beautiful countries where good examples of some interesting pieces of architecture are. I liked Venice most- an incredible and romantic city. I wonder how it is possible to live there since this is the city placed on water. People don't use cars there at all.

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Gość aluNnnia
bałgam pomóżcie mi z tego zrobić wypracowanie :(:(:(

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I visited a lot of beautiful countries where good examples of some interesting pieces of architecture are. I liked Venice most- an incredible and romantic city. I wonder how it is possible to live there since the city is placed on water. People don't use cars there at all.

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Gość aluNnnia
bałgam pomóżcie mi z tego zrobić wypracowanie :(:(:(

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I visited a lot of beautiful countries where good examples of some interesting pieces of architecture are. I liked Venice most- an incredible and romantic city. I wonder how it is possible to live there since the city is placed on water. People don't use cars there at all. I also adored Italian cuisine, especially ice-cream. When I was in I taly I used to taste every sigle bit of it. There was beautiful weather there, the sun never stopped shining. I used to lay on the sun and swim in the lake. I got tanned beautifully. These were

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Gość Gdyniaaaa
jestes z wejcherowa?

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Gość aluNnnia
błagam pomóżcie mi stworzyć z tego wypracowanie :(:(:( mógłby ktoś to całe przepisać tak jak ma być prawidłowo :( help

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Gość ty ojojojojo jak sie nie znasz
to nie poprawiaj... placku....

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These are one of my best holidays ever. I had the ability of getting to know the culture and the customs of those various contries. I will never forget my first travel abroad which started unpleasantly, however had a beautiful ending.

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Gość aluNnnia
mógłby ktoś napisać jak całe poprawnie ma być?? bo się już pogubiłam;/;/ proszę.....

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przecież ci napisałam w 3 czesciach aż taka tempa jesteś?

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Gość aluNnnia
dzieki :) juz wiem a myslisz ze dlugosciowo to wystarczy??

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