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Gość Lovinek

Bardzo proszę o pomoc, ja nie moge nie potrafię sobie z tym poradzić

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Gość Lovinek

Jest mi tak żle z tego powodu że angielski wogóle mio nie wchodzi teraz mam nauczyć się trzech krótkich opowiadań, ale jak dla mnie są nie do nauczenia tak z dnia na dzień, czy mógłby mi ktoś je trochę skrócić żeby zachowały sens i przetłumaczyć poprostu chodzi o wyeliminowanie jakiś niepotrzebnych zdań. 1)Kathlen Robertson of Austin, Texas took a furniture store to court for medical costs and physical and mental suffering. She had broken her ankle after falling over a little boy who wos running wild inside the store. The store owner was rather surprised to be the accused in a court case. The little boy was Ms Robertson s son zaraz napisze jeszcze dwa

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?????? chyba się źle czujesz :o

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Gość Lovinek
Eleven-year-old New Jersey boy Daniel Allen was running to catch a bus when he accidentally knocked over school teacher Eileen blau. Daniel cried when he found out he had hurt the teacher. But two tears later, she took him to court because of the injuries she had suffered. Apparently, the Allens insurance company had still not paid compensation for her medical care and lost earnings. During the court case Daniel told the judge, I am sorry I ran into her. It was an accident!

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