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Dokładnie - to streszczenie mojej magisterki, które Bóg wie czemu muszę napisać po ongielsku... Po angielsku komunikuję się przeciętnie, ale gdzie mi do przetłumaczenia czegoś takego... :o proszę się nie śmiać :D Wiem, że wiele osób tu piszących jest na stałe w Anglii czy USA - gddyby ktoś rzucił okiem byłabym wdzięczna. For the right sector’s of public finances motion, very important is practical realizing of acts. Regulations concerning local-government economy specify allowed forms of economic activity for performance of public duties. Acts don’t attribute specific form to public task. Therefore, public institution for realizing the same public duty, may take on form of limited liability company, budgetary unit or even private entity (against partnership public-private) First chapter of present master’s thesis relates to forms of economic activity for performance of public duties. Chapter describes commune’s public duties, incomes, expenses, public authorities, local budget. In the second chapter are included information about municipality X – especially description of social and economic conditions in commune. There’s a short analyze SWAT of municipality In the end of chaptr. Third part of this thesis contains description of character public’s units in X commune. On the municipality area operate following forms of public activity: budgetary unit, limited liability company, budgetary establishment, culture institution. Chapter includes information about organizational structure, legal form, public task and the way to realize them – in each unit. In the end part of this chapter is submitted comparison between units and their strong and week points.

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:D mówię że to streszczenie pracy mgr - słąbe, wiem :p ale nie studiowałam anglistyki

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