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mam artykul o oznaczaniu dioksyn w powietrzeu i tytul brzmi: Daytime resolved analysis od dioximes ib urban aerosol samples?? A umialabys moze przetlumaczyc caloscv?

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wynik dziennej analizy w probkach powietrza z terenow wysokozagospodarowanych i mieszkalnych. caloscv? sprawdz pisownie , bo nie kojarze takiego slowa :(

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Chodzilo mi o całośĆ , o cale zdanie :) A czy resolved to nie jest rozkład?? Bo przyznam ze nie bardz owiem gdzie jest zawarte slowo "wynik" :(

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to come to a definite or earnest decision about; determine (to do something): I have resolved that I shall live to the full. 2. to separate into constituent or elementary parts; break up; cause or disintegrate (usually fol. by into). 3. to reduce or convert by, or as by, breaking up or disintegration (usually fol. by to or into). 4. to convert or transform by any process (often used reflexively). 5. to reduce by mental analysis (often fol. by into). 6. to settle, determine, or state formally in a vote or resolution, as of a deliberative assembly. 7. to deal with (a question, a matter of uncertainty, etc.) conclusively; settle; solve: to resolve the question before the board. 8. to clear away or dispel (doubts, fears, etc.); answer: to resolve any doubts we may have had. 9. Chemistry. to separate (a racemic mixture) into optically active components. 10. Music. to cause (a voice part or the harmony as a whole) to progress from a dissonance to a consonance. 11. Optics. to separate and make visible the individual parts of (an image); distinguish between. 12. Medicine/Medical. to cause (swellings, inflammation, etc.) to disappear without suppuration. –verb (used without object) 13. to come to a determination; make up one's mind; determine (often fol. by on or upon): to resolve on a plan of action. 14. to break up or disintegrate. 15. to be reduced or changed by breaking up or otherwise (usually fol. by to or into). 16. Music. to progress from a dissonance to a consonance. –noun 17. a resolution or determination made, as to follow some course of action. 18. firmness of purpose or intent; determination. masz racje, nei pomyslalam, resolved to rozwiklac, rozwiacac, dac wynik, wnioskowac , powodowac, ale w chemi rowniez rokladac. ty czytajac artykul wiesz mniej wiecej o czym on jest wiec faktycznie tytul moze brzmiec analiza dziennego rozkladu powietrza w probkach z terenow wysokozagospodarowanch / mieszkalnych

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