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Arabische Fee

transformacje zdań

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Czy ktoś mógłby mi pomóc w transformacji zdań? 1) The customer wanted to complain about the faulty product but he did not know wo to turn to. (WOULD) If the customer WOULD HAVE KNOWN WhO TO TURN TO about the faulty product. nie mam pojeia czy to dobrze , poza tym w takich transformacjach można uzyć od ieie co najwyżej 5 wyrazów , a ja uzyłam 7. 2)Did you have to experiment with a number of different materials? he asked (INQUIRED) He ..............................................with a number of different materials. 3) As he gets more mature, he becomes easier to bring up (THE) bring him up. 4)While playing chess you must not touch a piece if you are not planning to move it (ALLOWED) While playing chess you........................if you are not planning to move it.

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