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Gość alallalaallallala

angielski proszę o pomoc

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Gość alallalaallallala

Napisz list do gazety, w którym nie zgadzasz się z projektem zamknięcia jedynego klubu młodzieżowego w okolicy i otwarciu w tym budynku hipermarketu. W swoim liście • przedstaw się i wyjaśnij powód pisania listu, • powołaj się na notatkę w gazecie i wiadomość w lokalnej TV, • uzasadnij swoją opinię, że klub jest potrzebny (podaj dwa argumenty), • zachęć redakcję do publikowania listów od innych czytelników. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing because you last article has attracted my attention. I am 24 years old women from Kraków which concern this article and I would like to express my disapproval on the project presented by newspaper. I have seen a few times advertisement in daily and I watched TV commercials which presented the design for a new hypermarket. I must say that this plan is shocking and I can not agree with author's view. Club which will be close is the only one in neighborhood. Club is popular and unique. I believe that the author started a very interesting discussion. I would be interested to find out what other readers think about the whole matter. Yours faithfully, XYZ mogę prosić o pomoc ;>

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Gość alallalaallallala

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Gość alallalaallallala

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Gość alallalaallallala
chodzi i sprawdzenie i w ogóle poprawienie jakieś ;>

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Gość auhuh
a można przetłumaczyć? {prosi}

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Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing,because your recent article has attracted my attention. I am 24 years old women from Kraków which concerns this article. I would like to express my disapproval on the project presented by newspaper. I have seen a few times advertisement and I watched TV commercials, which presented the design for a new hypermarket. I must say that this plan is shocking and I can not agree with author\'s view. Club which will be close is the only one in the neighborhood. Club is popular and unique. I believe that the author started a very interesting discussion. I would be interested to find out what other readers think about the whole matter. Yours faithfully, XYZ

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