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Lets talk in English!

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Gość Johnny English
If you practise English every day you will speak perfect:)

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Gość Johnny English
If you practise English every day you will speak perfect:)

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but my motivation has weaken. :o and i wont have any possibility to practise it every day for probably a long time since today...

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I\'m comming!:classic_cool: And I have a bit of free time:p Who is watching \'zakochani\' today? I must, because it\'s my favourite film:)

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Gość xx22xx
fuck you

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Gość devon39222ii
Yeah Me too I like romantic movies!!!!!!! and bartosz opania too

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Gość devon39222ii
too much too!!!!!hehehe

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bejbe lilly, tak tylko napisalem, nie znam angielskiego, znam tylko taki tytul piosenki "porozmawiajmy o sexie" :) jesli chcesz po polsku, to ok:)

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Gość devon39222ii
I will tell you something embarasment what happend to me when I was in Us. All Americans said that I am talking like BORAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Gość devon39222ii
Thats true !!!! but A lot of people likes my polish accent and all of them thought that Iam from russia or germany

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Gość devon39222ii
When they asked Where I am from I always said from kazachstan and they were really surprised!!! That was really funny

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Gość devon39222ii
I have just finished listning Justin Timerlake's song dont you think he is hot!!!!

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Gość devon39222ii
Why???? I like Im lovin it!!! It was my pleasure with you all !!!!!!! see you tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Gość noemiii
Hi I'm new ... I can't speak english well enought I'm learning it so... I'm going to watch You :)))))

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Gość evlenka
niezastapiona- nie, to jest present perfect, to co napisalas. a pisze sie owszem-found,taka wymowa.

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Thank you 🌼 Justin.. he.. I think he`s sweet but not as hot as my Man :P :D My computer is working now soooooo slowly :o I`m observing it and I think that he want to be better for me and my love to kafe but he can`t (computer of course:P) Yes, I know - I`m writing total nonsenses - I should go to bed now :P

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