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caroline from fascination land

english proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu

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There are more and more people who are obese, especially in well-developed countries. The most common reasons of obesity are: -sedentary life style -fatty and unhealthy diet -too much sweets We can prevent it. There are many means of preventing obesity. Firstly people have to practise sport more often(at least 3 times a week). Secondly they have to eat healthy and lean food(esp.vegetables, fruits, products rich in proteins and vitamins). Next they have to stop using sugar and stop eating sweets. In conclusion if people won\'t do anything with this problem, they\'ll spend more time in hospitals, have heart and endocrine diseases and finally they will live shorter.

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Gość uwaga tłumacze
coraz wiecej ludzi staje sie otyłymi (korpulentnymi jeśli uzywać łagodniejszego kreslenia :P ), szczegolnie w wysoko rowinietych krajach. najczestszymi powodami otyłosci sa: - siedzacy tryb zycia -tłusta i niezdrowa dieta -za duzo słodyczy zaraz bedzie reszta...............

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Gość adrianaaa
ona chyba chciala zeby to sprawdzic...

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pas sante regime:P le tryb de vie d'assise trop de bonbons:P

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ona chce zeby sprawdzic nei tlumaczyc ... ehhhhhhh, wtorny analfabetyzm. ja zamiast firstly napisalabym First of all ... Also... Finally ( nie next) poza tym, moglas troche rozwinac te mysli , a nie po jednym zdaniu :)

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Gość uwaga tłumacze
mozemy temu zapobiegac. jest wiele sposobów zapobiegania otyłosci. Po pierwsze ludzie powinni duzo czesciej uprawiac sport (co najmniej 3 razy w tygodniu). Po drugie powinni jesc zdrowiej i mniej ciezkostrawnie (przede wszystkim warzywa, owoce, produkty bogate w proteiny i witaminy). Poza tym powinni przestac uzywac cukru i jesc słodyczy. Wniosek jest taki, ze jesli ludzie nie zrobia czegos z tym problemem to beda spedzac wiecej czasu w szpitalach, chorowac na choroby sercowe i w koncu zyc krócej. Nie ma za co :)

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Gość uwaga tłumacze
swinkowa sama jestes wtorny analfabetyzm :O skoro zrozumialam co napisala, to musi byc w miare OK. nie trzeba od razu wyzywac :O

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dobrze jestem "wtorny analfabetyzm "i mam problemy ze zrozumieniem tekstu pisanego .... nie wyzywam nikogo przeciez :) a, no i przetlumaczylas faktycznie calkiem calkiem :)

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no przeciez znasz rozne rodzaje kuchni, srodziemnomorska, wloska, hiszpanska, meksykanska, niemiecka .... porownaj , poczytaj, pomysl, wyciagnij wnioski.... w meksykanskiej uzywa sie duzo ryzu, ostrej papryki? czemu? bo jest tam szeroko dostepna i pozwala dluzej utrzymac miesu swiezosc. guacamole uzywane jako maslo, to tez typowo poludnioamerynanskie, w niemczech raczej nei smaruja na sniadanie chleba guacamole :)

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Gość englishIlike
Ok I will help you

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napisz tak: kitchen polish zawiera too much gras polacy eta to much meat! za duzo miesa! ich posiłki meal, obfituja w kalorie:) takie lanie wody!

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caroline - > ale tobie dobrze idzie samej, pomysl, napisz - sprawdzimy, wiecej sie nauczysz, a poza tym jesli sama to napiszesz, latwiej bedzie ci zapamietac .... poszukaj w

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nie kitchen tylko cousine :) w kuchni , z mojej kuchni tluszcz sie nie przelewa :D

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Gość englishIlike
Well-developed countries may claim their success in a field of power, money and prosperity, but unfortunately there are also many drawbacks. One of them is the fact, that more and more of their citizens have to face the problem of being overweight or, what is even worst obese. The are various factors that contribute to that situation: the most common are: -sedentary life style and lack of sport activities, what is caused by too long working hours, lack of time, use of cars, laziness - too fat and generally unhealthy diet (eating in a fast-food restaurants, buying convenient, ready to made food, people take no care of what, how and where they eat - young children learn bad eating habits (from their parents, from eye-catching, tempting commercials, usually at school there are shops where they can only buy crisps, sweet and sparkling drinks). The result is that they are very often overweight in a childhood. There are many means of preventing obesity. First of all people need to understand to healthy lifestyle is not a punishment and doesn’t mean, that they have to renounce all the pleasures and do jogging at six in the morning for the rest of their life. Second of all as the old saying states: “We are what we eat”. That is why if we don’t want to be couch potatoes, who spend their time in front of TV drinking coke and eating pizza we can think about changing our eating habits. Fruits, vegetables, lean meat and half-skimmed milk are some of the products, which should appear in our fridge. Well-prepared they can be as delicious as fat hot-dog, but not as harmless to your liver though. In conclusion if people don’t do anything with this problem, they'll spend more time in hospitals, have heart and endocrine diseases and finally końcowki nie zmieniałam bo opuściła mnie wena:P

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'a fast-food restaurants' - rodzajnik zle. Poza tym, to w czym sie sprzedaje fast food to nie jest restauracja.

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