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Gość list oficjalny bleee

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Gość list oficjalny bleee

Dear Sir or Madam, I would luke to apply for the position of a summer helper at your programme. I have heard about your offer from my friend. I would like to work in a restaurant but also I can perform any kind of work. I am a 18-year-old and I am hard-working, honest, friendly, precise and ready to work in a team. I worked as a waitress, maid and receptionist in a hotel. My reason of applying is getting new skills and meeting new people. I would be happy to attend at any time is convenient to you. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, XYZ :P napewno sa gdzies bledy, prosze o wskazanie ich. np. w zdaniu I worked as a waitress, maid and receptionist in a hotel. wolalabym napisac ze My work experience is..i nie wiem jak dalej poprawnie. Takze powody dla ktorych chcialabym tam pracowac mogly by byc bardziej rozszerzone ale nie chce narobic jeszcze wiecej bledow :/ (to praca jako pomoc na jakims obozie mlodziezowym) z gory dziekuje za kazda sugestie :)

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Gość list oficjalny bleee

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Gość list oficjalny bleee
czy ktos moglby mi pomoc? czy nikomu sie nie chce?

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Gość list oficjalny bleee

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Pfff, doczekac sie pomocy na kafeterii... "dziekuje" Wam bardzo.

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już długo czekałam ,minuta to dużo

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Gość no więc tak
Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to apply for the position of a summer helper(nie wiem o co tu chodzi,co to jest) at your programme.I can work in a restaurant but also I can do anything else. First of all is to get new skills and experience. What is more I would like to polish my English. Moreover I am looking forward to meeting new people. I am hard-working, honest, reliable and precise person with experience.I worked as a waitress, maid and receptionist in a hotel. I am ready to work in a team or on my own initiative. I would be happy to attend at any time is convenient to you. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully,

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Dear Sir or Madam, To whom it may concert: (jak wolisz) This letter is to apply for the position of a summer helper at your program. I have heard about your offer from my friend and I think it is a very good opportunity for me. I am interested in working as a waitress however I am opened for any other position my experience and skills could be applied to. I am 18 and I am hard-working, honest, friendly, reliable person with great interpersonal skills so important in teamwork. I worked as a waitress, a maid and a receptionist in a hotel therefore I understand the importance of good communication skills, easygoing personality and availability to interact with customers. I believe that my skills, personality and willingness to learn and improve would make me a great addition to your company. If you have any other questions and concerns please feel free to contact me via email or call me at _______________ I am looking forward hearing from you in your earliest convenience. Sincerely jakby ktos jeszcze mogl rzucic okiem i zobaczyc, czy nie porobilam glupich bledow

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Dear Sir or Madam, To whom it may concert: (jak wolisz) This letter is to apply for the position of a summer helper at your program. I have heard about your offer from my friend and I think it is a very good opportunity for me. I am interested in working as a waitress however I am opened for any other position my experience and skills could be applied to. I am 18 and I am hard-working, honest, friendly, reliable person with great interpersonal skills so important in teamwork. I worked as a waitress, a maid and a receptionist in a hotel therefore I understand the importance of good communication skills, easygoing personality and availability to interact with customers. I believe that my skills, personality and willingness to learn and improve would make me a great addition to your company. If you have any other questions and concerns please feel free to contact me via email or call me at _______________ I am looking forward hearing from you in your earliest convenience. Sincerely jakby ktos jeszcze mogl rzucic okiem i zobaczyc, czy nie porobilam glupich bledow

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Gość hejkkkkkaa
Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to apply for the position of a summer helper(nie wiem o co tu chodzi,co to jest) at your programme.I can work in a restaurant but also I can do anything else. First of all is to get new skills and experience. What is more I would like to polish my English. Moreover I am looking forward to meeting new people. I am hard-working, honest, reliable and precise person with experience.I worked as a waitress, maid and receptionist in a hotel. I am ready to work in a team or on my own initiative. I would be happy to attend at any time is convenient to you. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully,

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Gość te świnkowaaaa
co ty z tym koncertem ? Chyba miało byc "concern", nie :P

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Gość list oficjalny bleee
A jeszcze na koncu będzie: PS I am ready to do an additional work. I can take handsome and wealthy men to my room and give them pleasure for really big money.

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a nie concerns napisalam ? przepraszam, wlasnie dlatego lubie jak ktos przeczyta to co napisze, zeby nei bylo glupich bledow

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hehe dobry podszyw ;) moja nuaczycielka angielskiego "skapnie sie", ze to nie ja pisalam. jednak skorzystam z twojej wersji listu :) dziekuje

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My reason of applying is getting new skills and meeting new people. a to zdanie jest poprawne?

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czyli ma byc My reason for apllying, czy slowo applying w ogole sie nie nadaje? napisalam: My reason for applying is getting new skills, meeting new people and I would like to improve my English. moze byc?

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Gość zdanie jest poprawne
ale tylko wtedy, gdy to ta twoja przyczyna skladania podania ma pozyskac nowe zdolnosci i poznac nowych ludzi

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Tylko powinno być jeszcze Twoje CV i wtedy ten list motywacyjny co Ci napisała ta dziewczyna "no wiec tak"

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ale ja tego listu nie wysylam nigdzie, to tylko zadanie domowe :/ chodzi o sam list. nie wiem juz jakie zdanie napisac mam podac powody dla ktorych staram sie o ta wakacyjna prace na obozie mlodziezowym. wiec napisalam ze chce zdobyc nowe umiejetnosci, poznac nowych ludzi i polepszyc swoj angielski. dobrze to jest czy nie?

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powinno byc krótko i na temat.Długich nie czytaja! ale konieczne jest CV!!!!

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boze! nie potrzebuje CV! ten list to zadanie domowe z angielskiego :/ ehh chce tylko to jedno zdanie..

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aaaa! to zmienia całkowicie postać rzeczy!!

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no :D

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o jakie zdanie -pomoge! ukonczylam kurs

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no chyba sobie jaja robisz? ;) patrz wyzej

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dobrze napisałas!!!

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