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Gość calineczka11111

Umowa o prace po angielsku mógłby ktoś pomóc z tłumaczeniem tekstu

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Gość calineczka11111

to dla mnie bardzo ważne już prawie połowe przetłumaczyłam,plis przynajmniej jedno zdanie albo początek z tego, jeśli nie to trudno jakoś sobie poradze z góry serdecznie dziękuje employment contract The Employment Contract is made and entered into this 20th day March ,2006 ,by and between :last name first name street city zip code represented by: Mr/Mrs............hereinafter referred to as "the employee" and Mr/Mrs ..............hereinafter referred to as "the employee under the terms and conditions of employment below Duties 1The employee will full-time services to the employer in the capacity of............(staff position) 2 The employee shall faithfully and concientiously and to the best of their ability ,perform all duties entrusted to him/her Commencement 1 The empoyee shall commence work on the day the contract is signed 2 the probation period shall be three months from the date of commencement Notice period 1 During the probation period ,either party may terminate the contract by giving a one week's notice .Upon confirmation of the empoyee's employment,either party may terminate the contract by giving a one month's notice . Confidentiality /non disclousure agreement 1Owing to the nature of of their work ,the empoyee is under obligation to treat all information ,documents ,and data to which they have access during the course of employment with the utmost confidentiality.This confidentiality shall remain in effect following the termination of employment until that information is not longer confidential

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Gość calineczka11111
ostatnie 2 paragrafy musze zrobić

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