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trzeba dopasowac do zdan wyrazy lake , rive , South, forest, coast, north 1Argentina is in .... America 2Edinburgh is in the .... of Britain 3The Nile is a .... 4Titicaca is a... 5 Rio de Janeiro is on the .... 6 There are a lot of trees in a ...

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Gość anka baranka 2 kije
rozwiaze ale prosze za to jakis wierszyk na moją czesc:classic_cool:

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Gość łatwizna
1Argentina is in South America 2Edinburgh is in the north of Britain 3The Nile is a river 4Titicaca is a lake 5 Rio de Janeiro is on the coast 6 There are a lot of trees in a forest

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Gość anka baranka 2 kije

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Gość anka baranka 2 kije
1. south 2. north 3. river 4, lake 5. coast 6. forest 😠 jak smiales 😡

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Gość lollllllllllllllllllllllllllll
1. south 2. north 3. rive 4. lake 5. coast 6. forest

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Gość witki
lake , rive , South, forest, coast, north 1Argentina is in SOUTH America 2Edinburgh is in the COAST of Britain 3The Nile is a RIVER 4Titicaca is a LAKE 5 Rio de Janeiro is on the NORTH 6 There are a lot of trees in a FOREST

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1. south 2.north 3. river 4 lake 5.coast 6.forest

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1. south 2. north 3. river 4. lake 5. coast 6. forest ucz się języków, to tylko Ci na dobre wyjdzie : pozdrawiam

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Gość lollllllllllllllllllllllllllll
macie racje ;p 'river'

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1Agentina is in South.... America 2Edinburgh is in the .north... of Britain 3The Nile is a ...river jak juz na koncu zgubiłas lub łes r. 4Titicaca is a...lake Rio de Janeiro is on the ...coast,. There are a lot of trees in a ...forest, Masz chyba tak leniu :)

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jeszcze jedno prosze jamie- What(you do ) are you doing on saturday lee - I(go).... to school.We (play) jamie- Which team (you play )..... for? lee- Newtown. What (you do) ..... on Saturday jamie- I(stay) .... at home . My uncle (visit) ... us

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ostatnie zadanie prosze

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Gość anka baranka 2 kije
gimnazjum???? a gdzie piesn na moja cześć??😡 :classic_cool:

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nooo prosze

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Gość ola w.
wal sie ty niewdziecznicoo

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???????? i co zrobicie

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jeszcze jedno prosze jamie- What(you do ) are you doing on saturday lee - I(go).... to school.We (play) jamie- Which team (you play )..... for? lee- Newtown. What (you do) ..... on Saturday jamie- I(stay) .... at home . My uncle (visit) ... us

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prosze was ostatni raz

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a powiedz dlaczego ty tego nie zrobisz??

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Gość anka baranka 2 kije
bedzie piesn?? bedzie zadanie:classic_cool: albo jeszcze lepiej sprobuj moze sam/a i wsadz tutaj to sprawdzimy:) języki sie przydaja uwierz mi:D

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jestem za pomyslem anki branki :D

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dobra zrobie I go to school We playing football Which team you playing for Newtown .What are you doing I staying at home My uncle visit us

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Gość nie lenie się
Jamie - what are you doing on saturday? lee- i'm going to school, we will playing football. Jamie- Which team you are playing for? Lee- newtown, what are you doing on saturday? Jamie- i staying at home, my uncle will visit us.

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Gość anka baranka 2 kije
calkiem nawet niezle- nie zapominaj o tym ze ma byc I am i you are. ma byc Jamie- i staying at home, my uncle will visits us. i lee- i'm going to school, we will be playing football. pomijajac to ze ktos ci dal gotową odp to widwac ze jak chcesz to potrafisz-wiec ucz sie ucz zebys pozniej mogl/a zarabiac na cokolwiek:D

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Gość anka baranka 2 kije
moze byc tez lee- i'm going to school, we are going to play footbal 🖐️

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Gość lap sie za slownik

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