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Gość ciamajda 12344321

ANGIELSKI - SPRAWDŹCIE MI!!! niski poziom...

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Gość ciamajda 12344321

z góry mówię ze nie jestem dobra w angielkim, i jestem początkująca... sprawdźcie i napiszcie co jest zle jakie zdania... jakieś literówki mogły sie zdarzyć... ważniejsza jest gramatyka... Thanksa for wonderful holidays in Nottingham. I sand to you greattings from Połock. Lots of love for you mother, father and younger sister. Three weeks in your city were unforgettable adventure for me. I came beck from Połock by aeroplane. The travel was fast and comfortable. I sleep from time to time and read the books during the journey. I reached in place about 18;00. When my mum saw my, she was glad. In Nottingham was nice, but I missed for my house and boyfriend. In England I spend cheerfully time, was fantastic! The weather was good and the sun is shining, so we went to long trips. Another thing, we went to cinema, of pubs, of restaurant, to the swimming pool. I was often done the big shopping. I bought souvenirs for friends. We were happy for this time. Thanks to you, I learnt better to speak English.

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Gość mieszasz czasy

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Gość ciamajda 12344321
no a powinno być w jakim czasie wszystko?

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Gość rwttgTT3
boshhh,żenujący poziom.nasteonym razem bardziej sie przyloz,bo krocej by blyo wymneiniac co jest dobrze a nie co jest zle.

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Gość ciamajda 12344321
wiem... ;/ mówie ci ze dopiero zaczynam z tym językiem...;/ no ale takie chociaz najwieksze byki mi powiedzcie...

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Gość anglistka 29
BACK TO.. nie travel tylko JOURNEY , SLEPT bez THE books, THE place, saw ME, bez IN albo IT WAS NICE IN NOTTINGHAM, I SPENT TIME CHEERFULLY, WAS shining , FOR long, bez OF, I OFTEN WENT FOR BIG SHOPPING, at that time, najlepiej bedzie - MY ENGLISH HAS IMPROVEN, MY ENGLISH HAS GOTTEN BETTER bedzie najlepiej

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Gość dasasdsda
Thanks for a wonderful holiday in Nottingham. I send you greetings from Płock - a lot of love for your mother, father and younger sister. Those three weeks in your city were unforgettable adventure to me. I came backto Płock by an areoplane. The journey was fast and comfortable.I was sleeping from time to time and read a book during the journey. I reached my place at about 6 p.m. When my Mum saw me, she was very happy. It was nice in Nottingham, but I have missed my home and my boyfriend. My time in England was fantastic. The weather was good and the sun was shining, so we made a long trips. We went to cinema, pubs, restaurants and swimming pool as well. I often did shopping, they were pretty hudge. I bought some souvenires for my friends. Thanks to you, I learned to speak English better.

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Gość ktostamtakijedenblabalf
I missed my boyfriend and my family... --> tak będzie lepiej niż "I missed for my house and boyfriend."

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Gość bywałam tu i byłam znana
czesc natalko:D:D zaczynasz z językiem??

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Gość anglistka 29
tak przegapilam to :)

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Gość co za bełkot
so we made a long trips so we were making many long trips i kupa innych szitów

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Gość co za bełkot
i was missing... ludzie kurna nauczcie sie czasów!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for a wonderful holiday in Nottingham. I\'m sending along warm greetings from Płock - love to your mother, father and younger sister. Those three weeks in your city were an unforgettable adventure for me. I came back to Płock by plane. The journey was quick and comfortable.I slept a little bit and also read a book during the trip. I arrived home at about 6 p.m. My Mum was very happy when she saw me. It was nice in Nottingham, but I missed my home and my boyfriend. My time in England was fantastic. The weather was fine, so we were able to (tour extensively?). We went to the cinema, pubs, restaurants and swimming pool as well. I also went shopping (frequently?), and (made some rather large purchases?). I bought some souvenires for my friends as well. Thanks to you, I learned to speak English better.

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Gość głąb nie z tej ziemi
wow! Ty zaczynasz się uczyć, a ja uczyłam się ze 4 lata z przerwami i nie kumam praktycznie nic. Podziwiam ludzi którzy znaja języki obce.

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