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Gość gsdghsdhdshsdhndshs

ktos chetny pomoc z angielskiego?

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Gość gsdghsdhdshsdhndshs

to zdania do uzupelnienia: If the time spent asleep (a)falls short b)in less c)limits d)reduces) of seven to eight hours of if sleep was heavily fragmented, the data indicates that the wearer is not well rested, or even he's not (a)acceptable b)right c)well d)fit) for duty. The device (a)takes on b)takes into c)takes for d)takes in) account differences between wearers in their sensitivity to sleep loss. Results from simple performance tests can be fed into the watch to adapt it to the wearer. Experiments have already been (a)made b)conductef c)tried d)taken) with commercial drivers in the States, (a) to use b)have used c)used d)using) the SleepWatch to assess the effect of partial sleep deprivation on their perfomance.

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Gość gsdghsdhdshsdhndshs

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Gość gsdghsdhdshsdhndshs
to na prawdę potrzebne

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Gość gfhgjhkl
ksiazki,slownik i do nauki a nie gotowca!!!!

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Gość fd
napisz jescze raz, bez błędów i wyraźnie. bo tego sie czytac nie da

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Gość gsdghsdhdshsdhndshs
Jest dokladnie tak jak w książce: If the time spent asleep (a)falls short b)in less c)limits d)reduces) of seven to eight hours of if sleep was heavily fragmented, the data indicates that the wearer is not well rested, or even he's not (a)acceptable b)right c)well d)fit) for duty. The device (a)takes on b)takes into c)takes for d)takes in) account differences between wearers in their sensitivity to sleep loss. Results from simple performance tests can be fed into the watch to adapt it to the wearer. Experiments have already been (a)made b)conductef c)tried d)taken) with commercial drivers in the States, (a) to use b)have used c)used d)using) the SleepWatch to assess the effect of partial sleep deprivation on their perfomance. tam gdzie sa nawiasy i slowka a) b) c) d) znaczy, ze w zdanie trzeba wplesc jedno z tych slowek, aby mialo sens.

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Gość fd
ale to 1 zdanie jest bez sensu, coś po tym 'of' na końcu chyba ma byc a nie 'if'

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Gość gsdghsdhdshsdhndshs
Jest dokladnie tak jak ma byc. Jest to matura rozszerzona.

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Gość fd
a b b nie wiem a

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Gość gsdghsdhdshsdhndshs
dzieki, mam nadizeje, ze jest dobrze.

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Gość fd
to 4 chyba c a co do istteniego to moze jednak d, nie a

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Gość przedostatnie to
conducted na 100%

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Gość a ostatnie d

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Gość gsdghsdhdshsdhndshs
a moze ktos inny wie, co powinno byc ostatnie? czy moglibyscie pomoc z jeszcze jednym zadaniem, czy zbytnio nie macie czzasu?

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Gość fhyt
kobieto nie bierz się za mature rozszerzoną jak nie wiesz jak rozwiązać takie zadania.

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Gość fd
racja racja, conducted ma być, nie tried

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Gość dawajta nastepne

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Gość gsdghsdhdshsdhndshs
do matury mam jeszcze 3 lata. a to kolejne zadanie, w puste miejsca trzeba wpisać takie slowo, zeby zdanie mialo sens: The WHSmith Raw Talent Competition is an invitation to write ....(a?) novel which you always knew you had in you, but never dreamt you'd see .... print. All you have to do is write ...(the?) first chapter and a brief synopsis by 20 Novembr and you could win a 5.000 cash prize. So, whoever you are, ...(whatever?) you do, take a notebook and don't put it down until your story's told. "At last a writing competition which is not just for writers! A great idea - isn't that what we ... come to expect from WHSmith?" "For ....(everyone?) who's ever thought "I've got a novel in me", this is the opportunity not to be missed.

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Gość fd
in print

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Gość fd
hmm would come? reszta zdaje sie byc ok

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Gość baskaa
Tez jakoby jestem zwiazana z tematem ... ahh duzo by gadac... test osobowosci wg dalay lamy - wyniki sa niezwykle (z trzech tylko pytan) tu --->

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