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Gość ladymakbetttttttttttt


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Gość ladymakbetttttttttttt

Mogłby mi ktos sprawdzic błędy w liscie? Dear Natalia! Thank you so much for the black jacket that you sent me for my brithday. It's fantastic! It's very warm and the colour goes with my nnew trousers. i've worn to this jacket every day for the last week. I really enjoyed my brithday. It's very special day for me. May mum and dad gave me a new Katarzyna Grochola's book called ,,Nigdy w życiu". Have you seen it? I haven't read it yet, but my family say it' s interesting. Kasia gave me a new bag. It' s a large and very beautiful! My brother gave me some money bacause I'm saving for a new mp3 player. I hope you're well. Thanks again for the beautiful jacket lots of love

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Gość ladymakbetttttttttttt

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bledy ktore popelniles/as sa trywialne w porownaniu do reszty tekstu :o

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Gość ladymakbetttttttttttt
no ale gdzie te błedy sa

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Gość fdfd
I've been wearing this jacket every day since last week. a very special day Have you read it? family says it's large and v beutiful reszta ok

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Gość bez gwarancji
Dear Natalia, Thank you very much for the black jacket you sent me for my brithday. It's fantastic! It's very warm and the colour goes with my new trousers. i've worn this jacket every day for the last week. I really enjoyed my brithday. It's very special day for me. May mum and dad gave me a book "Nigdy w Zyciu" by Katarzyna Grochola. Have you read it? I haven't read it yet, but my family says it' s interesting. Kasia gave me a new bag. It' s large and very beautiful! My brother gave me some money bacause I'm saving to buy a new mp3 player. I hope you're well. Thanks again for the beautiful jacket lots of love

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nie, wlasnie nie, mieszkam w anglii juz od kilku dobrych lat , wszedzie, w prasie, pracy, na ulicach mowi sie family say ,bo rozumie sie to tu w sensie ze rodzina reprezentuje grupe ludzi a nie indywidualna osobe. piszac family says, tlumaczycie z polskiego na ang. z doslownym brzmieniem

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Gość fdfd
no masz racje, jak family mamy na mysli poszczególych członków to say, ale jak mamy na mysli rodzine jako jednostkę społeczna to says ;p tutaj faktcznie say moze jest lepsze. najlepiej napisac the members of my family say

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