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Ktos zna angielski techniczny?Blagam,wejdzcie,pomozcie mi to przetlumaczyc

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For a single MPEG-4 scene there can be many transport channels, an MPEG-4 tool calledFlexMux aligns these different data streams. In addition, another interface defined in MPEG-4lets the application ask for connections with a certain quality of service, in terms ofparameters like bandwidth, error rate, or delay. This interface is the same for broadcastchannels, interactive sessions, and local storage media from an application point of view, sothat application designers need not worry about the underlying delivery mechanisms. Further,version 2 of MPEG-4 allows differing channels to be used at either end of atransmission/receive network, e.g. an Internet protocol channel on one end and an ATM oneon the other. bardzo prosze o przetlumaczenie:(

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