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Gość no pomóżcie kochaniii

Bardzo Prosze o pomoc! - Angielski!!

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Gość no pomóżcie kochaniii

Mógłby ktoś przeczytac ten tekst (zapewne zrobiłam sporo błędów:P) i napisac mi co jest źle i jak to zmienic? ;) nie jestem pewna czy mozna tak pisac jak ja to zrobiłam, że raz daje 'would' a raz is czy cos innego.. I dream of school which is location in some seaside town where is nigh to see or even ocean and there's always sunny, for example Greece, Australia, Los Angeles . Students would go to the bitch every day and there play some games like volleyball or badminton and of course swim in the sea. Not olny swim, even learn dive with instructor! The work of teacher is takeing care to everybody have a great fun ;) It would be boarding school where students get some cash from head- master once a week for their needs. Girls would have lessons of style, go shopping and get marks for good dressing or matching colours. In the evenings everybody spend time like they want. They would can go to the disco, theatre or restaurant. Students have luxury rooms with big bathroom and jaccuzi. Everyone choose subjects which want to learn , fro example : Magic( especially flying on broom) , cooking, dancing, singing, sufring and a lot of others ;) If this kind of school would exist, I would can pay all the money to be there!

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Gość no pomóżcie kochaniii
No nie bądźcie tacy :D

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Gość kiepścizna
to taki polski angielski he he na pewno nie wolno używać would can

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Gość krissxx
Students would go to the bitch :D:D:D provo?

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Gość no pomóżcie kochaniii
o boże ale jestem głupia :D:D:D miało byc studenst would go to the beach :D:D:D:D Czyli jeśli dam samo would to wystarczy i 'can' jest niepotrzebne? :P

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Gość kiepścizna
widać students lubić bitch ;) jak to students :D

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Gość kiepścizna
If such a kind of school existed, I would pay a lot of money to be there.

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Gość kiepścizna
The teacher's work is to take care of everyone and to make sure that every student has a great fun.

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Gość dmlkmdksmdksmds
dzięki :D a mam to wszystko pisac z tym would czy te would]y skasowac i pisac w jakichś czasach?

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Gość poprawione choc tak sobie
I dream of school which is located on the seaside with a lot of sunshine. It coudl be in Greece, Australia, California . Students would go to the beatch every day. They would play some games like volleyball or badminton. They would of course swim in the sea. On the top of it they would have diving classes. The teacher would make sure that everybody have a great fun . It would be a boarding school where students get some petty cash from head- master once a week. Girls would have style classes, go shopping and get marks for dressing sense. They would have spare time in the evening. They would can go to the party, theatre or restaurant. Students would live in luxury rooms with big bathrooms and jaccuzi. Everyone would choose the classes they want to attend, for example : Magic( especially flying on the broom) , cooking, dancing, singing, sufring and lots more. If this kind of school existed, I would pay any money get there!

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Gość kiepścizna
zależy co teraz przerabiacie i czego spodziewa się nauczyciel. Czasem jest tak, że trzeba wykorzystywać te części mowy, które się aktualnie poznaje i poznało wcześniej na zajęciach. Sama powinnaś wiedzieć (czy sam).

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Gość malabiala89
I dream of a school which is located on the seaside (???where is nigh to see???) where it's always sunny, for example Greece, Australia or Los Angeles . Students would go to the beach every day and play some games like volleyball or badminton and of course swim in the sea. Not olny swim, even learn diving with the instructor! The teacher's job would be taking care if everybody is having a great time. It would be a boarding school where students can get some cash from head- master once a week for their needs. Girls would have style lessons. They would get the marks from shopping, getting dressed in a nice way and matching colors . In the evenings everybody would spend their time like they only want. They could go to the disco, theatre or restaurant. Students would have luxury rooms with a big bathroom and jaccuzi. Everyone would choose subjects which they want to learn , fro example : Magic( especially flying on the broom) , cooking, dancing, singing, sufring and much more things. If such kind of school existed, I would pay all the money to be there!

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Gość jdnkjsdnksjdn
jestem w gimnazjum więc pewnie wiele się nie spodziewa , choc jestem dobra z angola :P Dzięki Wam, jakoś to sobie poukładam ;)

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Gość chochel6
Jesli twierdzisz, ze jestes dobra to musisz sie wyzbyc tej złudnej myśli. Masz błąd w prawie każdym zdaniu. Malabiala dobrze cie poprawila

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Gość effsfsdfdfe
No widzicie, taki u nas poziom :D:D:D

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