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Gość Angliskiiiii

Pomoc w angielskim- korekta błędów.

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Gość Angliskiiiii

Pomoże mi ktoś?? proszę :) tekst mogę wysłać na meila albo wkleić tu jak kto woli. To króciutkie opowiadanko.

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Gość nvbnbnbnbnbnnn
Wyślij mi :) HIHIHI z chęcią ci to zrobię, strasznie mi się nudzi

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Gość Maleńka_Oups
Wklej.. każdy coś da od siebie ;)

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Gość Angliskiiiii
In 1665 an one warm September afternoon , when the sun is rising and the sky was blue a men called Isaac Newton decided to rest under an a big apple tree. The time is passing by and the men starting to get tired. He fell asleep then suddenly red, juicy apple fell on his had. After that he woke up. From this day he can’ t stop thinking about the falling apple. Isaac thinking about it for many long years. After the a lot of unsleplest night he suddenly come up with the answer. He was very excited then Isaac start writing a book about it. Finally in 1684 he publish his Theory of Gravitation one of the most important books in the whole history of science.

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Gość Angliskiiiii
pomóżcie nie chodzi już nawet o wymyślanie czegokolwiek tylko chce wiedzieć czy jest dobra forma i ogólnie bez błędów.

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Gość Angliskiiiii
a tylu było chętnych do pomocy....

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Gość //////////////////////////////

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Gość angielski mówisz
Ale jak masz "a" przed rzeczownikiem to nie dajesz jednocześnie "an" - albo "a", albo "an "

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Gość angielski mówisz
ogólnie strasznie pomylone czasy... z angielskim nie jestem teraz na bieżąco, bo kilka lat juz sie nie ucze, wiec tez dokładnie nie pamietam czasow jak kiedys, ale najpierw piszesz w przeszłym, potem w terazniejszym. Jezeli to jest opowiadanie to raczej w przeszlym

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Gość She83
In 1665, one warm September afternoon , when the sun was rising and the sky was blue a man called Isaac Newton decided to rest under a big apple tree. The time was passing by and the man was getting tired. He fell asleep. Suddenly a red, juicy apple fell on his head. After that he woke up. Since that day he hasn't been able to stop thinking about the falling apple. Isaac has been thinking about it for many years. After lots of sleepless nights he suddenly came up with the answer. He was very excited. Then Isaac started writing a book about it. Finally in 1684 he publish his Theory of Gravitation, one of the most important books in the whole history of science.

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