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I Love New York

do osob znajacych troche angielski

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jezeli bylby ktos tak mily i sprawdzil ten krotki tekst i wskazal bledy bede wdzieczna pzdr:)))) Today Maria has a birthday celebration. Ther are six people in the room. Everyone is having a good time. The guests are talking,one girls is singing and one boy is playing at the guitar. Maria's room is not very spacious. Ther is a big window. Near the window in the left corner of the room is standing a desk. On the desk there is birthday cake.

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Gość gjdchmjghkjnnx
Near the window in the left corner of the room is standing a desk. On the desk there is birthday cake. There is standing desk in the left corner of the room near the window.There is birthday cake on the desk

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Gość plytapanajack
albo there is desk albo tehe standing desk, on the desk teher is A birthday cake na poczatku jest ther, ale mysle, ze przypadkiem polknelas e, ale dalej jest one girls is singing - jesli kilka dziewczyn spiewa to some girls are singing, jesli jedna to one girl (bez s na koncu)

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Gość She83
Tak powinno byc: Today Maria has a birthday celebration. Ther are six people in the room. Everyone is having a good time. The guests are talking. One girl is singing and one boy is playing the guitar. Maria's room is not very spacious. Ther is a big window. Near the window in the left corner there is a desk. On the desk there is a birthday cake.

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Gość Sakrbik
There are six people in the room :0)

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Gość sakrbik
There is.....

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Gość skarbik
There is a big window jest zjedzone literka E :) nak końcu

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Gość She83
faktycznie, nawet tego nei zauwazylam. A do tego powinno byc There are six people in a room. Zamiast the room -> a room - bo po raz pierwszy o tym mowimy

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Gość plytapanajack
she 83 dobrze mialas the room - bo pierwszy raz sie p"przedstawia" cos przedrostkiem the

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Gość She83
ehhhh... nigdy nie stosuje sie 'the' kiedy mowimy o czyms pierwszy raz - wbic sobie to do glowy. A jak nie pomoze to do nauczyciela angielskiego sie zglosic i powiedziec zeby pomogl. Kiedy mowimy o czyms pierwszy raz stosujemy 'a' lub 'an' w zaleznosci czy wyraz zaczyna sie na samogloske czy spolgloske i oczywiscie w l.poj., nigdy inaczej

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