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Gość xgshzskjks

Proszę o przetłumaczenie na język angielski..........

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Gość xgshzskjks

Cześć !!! Jak mijają wakacje ? Co nowego u ciebie słychać ? Już niecały miesiąc i powrót do szkoły. U mnie ostatnio dużo padał deszcz. Niektóre miasta zalane, ale już robi się znowu ciepło. A u cb jaka pogoda? Pozdrawiam

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Gość kajlls
A co znaczy "cb"?

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angliskta nie jestem,ale: Hi! How are Your holidays? Some news? It's less than a month and I have to go back to school. Recently we had a lot of rain. Some cities are overflooded, but it's getting more hot now.What't the weather like by You?Greetings

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Gość prosiaczek62
Hi! How to pass the holidays? What's going on with you? Already less than a month and return to school. In my last lot of rain. Some of the city flooded, but it gets warm again. And the weather in cb? Yours

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Gość kajlls
jednak nie ma to jak translator google :D 🖐️

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Gość swiss made
prosiaczek fajnie że umiesz skopiować tekst i wrzucić do translatora ale to nie na tym polega

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Gość xgshzskjks
dzięki za pomoc prosiaczek ja sama z translatora korzystac umiem ;D

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Gość xgshzskjks
pomoże ktoś jeszcze

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Gość xxxyyyzzzz
hi! how are things? how are your holidays? In less than a month I will have to go back to school. It's rained a lot in Poland recently and some towns have become flooded but it's getting warmer again. And what about the weather in... (gdzieś tam)? Lots of love moze cos takiego

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Gość xxxyyyzzzz
hi! how are things? how are your holidays? in less than a month I have to go back to school. It's rained a lot in Poland recently and some towns have become flooded but it's getting hotter now again. and what about the weather in... (gdzieś tam)? Lots of love to moja propozycja

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Po angielsku nie piszemy z wielkiej litery zwracając się do adresata zamiast hot może być warm What's the weather like in your city? Lepiej A tak to okej, chyba, że chcesz niewiadomo jak wyszukanie

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Gość kjdfhkjdfk
hi, how are yr holidays, any news? not even a month and ill back to school, lately we had loads of rain, some cities are overflooded, but again is getting warmer, whats the weather like in there??

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