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Gość 12345____


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Gość 12345____

to znowu ja;D czy moze ktos rzucic okiem na moje wypociny? dear sir or madam I am writing in response to your advertisement which was published in the Internet connected with reasearch team od graduate students. I am very interested in it but I would like to ask some questions. First of all I would like to know if your team accept students from other class than graduate students. It is very important for me to know what kind of condition I should fulfil to can meet with us. If i must have definite medium od degree? Could you send me some information about place where team will met. It is okey if I know only one foreign language? What kind of documents and references I should delivery to your team? I am looking forward to receiving your reply Yours faithfully xyz

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Gość 12345____

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It is okey if I know... zbyt potoczne

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Gość 12345____
alooooo no prosze jak ktos jest dobry z angielskiego to mu to zajmie pare sekund

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I should delivery to your team? - to pytanie, zmień szyk

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...fulfil to can meet with us. - jaki ma być sens tego zdania?

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Gość 12345____
You want to apply. Write a letter to ask about the scholarship admission requirements, conditions you need to meet; also ask about any practical details of interest; Ask about basic requirements; documents, references; language requirements; if financial support for applicants is provided; when application is due; more info t5o ma byc zawarte w liscie bo cche sie dostac do tego kola naukowego i musze spytac o takie rzeczy wlasnie wiem ze troche potocznie , nieformalnie to napisalam, ale nie wiem jak inaczej napisac o tych jezykach, tylko to mi przyszlo do glowy i wiedzialam jak

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Gość przelom 14
ON the Internet, a nie IN

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Gość 12345____
jakie powinnam dokumenty dostarczyc chcialam spytac a w tym drugim to co musze za warunki spelniac zbey sie dostac do waszej druzyny

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If i must have definite medium od degree? - pytanie

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Gość 12345____
medium degree czy musze miec jakas wymagana srednia ocen zeby sie dostac do grupy

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Gość 12345____
no wiem, dla Was to idiotyczne co napisalam, ale nie umiem inaczej sie spytac o to o co trzeba

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Gość 12345____
????? ;)

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jestem zbyt wykończony, żeby logicznie myśleć wyłapałem tylko błędy, które od razu rzuciły mi się w oczy

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Gość 12345____
a moze ktos inny mi pomoze ???? proszee dla Was to chwilka a dla mnie bardzo duuuzo zeby to bylo w miare dobrze

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Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in response to your advertisement promoting graduate students team's research, which I found on the Internet. As I am very interested in it, I would like to ask you some questions about it. First of all, I would like to know if your team accept undergraduate students? Could you tell me of any conditions I should meet to be able to join the teem? Is it necessary for me to have a specific degree? I also know only one foreign language - is that enough? I would really appreciate it if you could let me know about place and date of the team's meeting, and about documents and references that I should bring along with me. I am looking forward to your answer. Yours faithfully John Smith

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jak masz jeszcze o koszty zapytać to dodaj gdzieś jeszcze "Are there any fees that members of the society have to pay?"

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Gość 12345____
Zośka bardzo dziękuje join czemu ja o tym nie pomyslalem tylko jakies fulfil pisze dziekuje jeszcze raz za pomoc

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