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Gość 2342131231


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Gość 2342131231

I saw your contact and profile and decided that you could cooperate with me in this proposition. I have a client by Name Mr ALLAM FAZALI, who was deceased in November, 2007, in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia . I am contacting you because you have the same surname as my deceased client and I felt that you could help me in the distribution of funding that were Fanin my deceased client's bank account. This funding is closed to be declared un-serviceable by the bank as there were no indicated next of kin or next of beneficiary of the funding in the bank account. The total amount of cash in the bank account of my deceased client is US$ 1.5 Million (Say, ONE Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States dollars Only), The bank had issued to me a notification to contact the next of kin of my deceased client for either to re-activate the bank account or to make claim of beneficiary, of the funding in the bank account, with a month surcharge of 6% to be deducted as an Escrow safe keeping fee of the bank account, so as to avoid the indefinite closure of the bank account. My proposition to you is to seek your consent, and to present your kind self as the next-of-kin and beneficiary of my deceased client, since you have the same last name with him. This means that the proceeds of his bank account would be paid to you as his next of kin or the legitimate beneficiary. When the proceeds in his bank account are paid to you, we would share the proceeds on a mutually agreed-upon percentage of 60% to me and 40% to your kind self. All the legal documents to back up your claim as my client's next-of-kin would be provided by me. The most important thing I would need is your honest co-operation in this proposition. This would be done under a legitimate arrangement that would protect you from any breach of the law. If this business proposition offends your moral and ethical values, feel free to back out. Please contact me at once if you are interested, reply through my Personal email TEZ DOSTAJECIE CZASEM TAKIE COS?

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tak ja na to odpisałam kiedyś że fajnie super ja tez tylko że mam drewnianą nogę :) a jak chcesz to przetłumaczyć to polecam google translate

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uwazaj na to, tez dostawalam czasem, nawet wiele razy. to pewnie nie te same osoby pisza, ale raz odpisalam Fuck off i przestalo przychodzic :D spam zwykly.

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Gość 2342131231

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Gość nastepny piesek do nakarmienia
do mnie tez przychodza, ale kasuje bez otwierania nawet

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Gość 2342131231

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rozumiecie, to pranie brudnych pieniedzy. juz byly historie, poczytaj o tym, ze niby maja ci przelac kase a pozniej ty masz gdzies dalej ja dac, ale jest to niemozliwe i masz zonka

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