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Gość alicjadelicjaMaturzystkaaa

ang,opowiadanie 200slow- moglby ktos spr, taki noworoczny dobry uczynek. na pewn

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Gość alicjadelicjaMaturzystkaaa

o jest jakas nauczycielka angielskiego lub ktos kto super zna ten jezyk, bardzo prosze.. It was a bright and sunny day in August. Rita and her parents decided to drive to their cousins (Bill and Sandra) who lived in Manchaster. It was Sandra' s birthday so they dropped in the florest' s to buy a bouquet. All the guests had arrived earlier (before them). The party took place in the garden. It was very hot, the temperature was about 35* C. The sun was shining and the birds were singing wonderfully. Everyone enjoyed themselves. They were eating, drinking and playing vollejball. It happened very quickly and suddenly. Sandra became pale and she felt down on the grass. She passed out. All got into the panic. 'I don' t know what to do', said Sandra' s spouse. 'Nor do I', said Sandra' s grandfather. Everyone was crying; they were worring abot Sandra' s health ald life. 'if we panic, it won' t help her', Rita said loudly. She came to her, placed her on the chair with legs higher then the rest of the body. Then she brought some ice from the kitchen. She started to do compresses on her forehead. Sandra came round and Rita gave herspme cold water to drink. Thanks to Rita after a few minutes Sandra felt brilliant. After the 2 hours later Rita and her parents were driving home. 'I always thought that I' ll be an accountent', said Rita. 'But know I know that my vocation is being the doctor. I took this decission after a today' s incident'.

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