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Gość Multimediusz

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Gość Multimediusz

Piszę pracę mgr i nie jestem w stanie tłumaczyć i zrozumieć Jedynego źródła po angielsku oto przykładowy tekst An ideal pressure microphone responds only to sound pressure, with no regard for the directional bearing of the sound source; as such, the microphone receives sound through a single active opening. In reality, a pressure microphone exhibits some directionality along its main axis at short wavelengths, due principally to diffraction effects. As we saw in Figure 212, only as the received wavelength approaches the circumference of the microphone diaphragm does the microphone begin to depart significantly from omnidirectional response. For many studio-quality pressure microphones, this becomes significant above about 8 kHz. The earliest microphones were of the pressure type, and the capacitor pressure microphone is widely used today in music recording as well as in instrumentation and measurement applications. By way of terminology, the capacitor microphone is familiarly referred to in the sound industry as the condenser microphone, making use of the earlier electrical term for capacitor. We use the modern designation capacitor throughout this book. do tłumaczenia mam kilka rozdziałów książki istnieje także możliwość spotkania się na godziny w Katowicach u mnie w mieszkaniu oczywiście wynagrodzenie do ustalenia Pozdrawiam i czekam na odpowiedź Karol

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