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Gość dziekujejakktospomoze

prosze sprawdzcie mi opis zdjescia z jezyka ANG

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Gość dziekujejakktospomoze

juz zalozylam temat zeby mi ktos napisal ale sprobowalam sama i prosze sprawdzcie mi i powiedzcie jakie bledy zrobilam :) in this picture ican see two people men and women i thin they married.they are very old.the people in the picture seem very happy.she has blackcoat grey scarf red gloves dark glasses and brown bag.women has warmly dressed she was dark brown hair.he has green jacket grey cap brown gloves dark glasses blue jeans and black shoes. the general atmosphere in the picture is very the backround the white building andtrees and cars.the weather is verry sunny.

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Gość dziekujejakktospomoze

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Gość dziekujejakktospomoze
dobry zart

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Gość julia24xx
daj mi chwile

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Gość julia24xx
in this picture i can see two people, men and women. I think they are married. they look old but happy. the woman has black coat, grey scarf, red gloves, dark glasses and brown bag. she has dark brown hair.he has green jacket grey cap brown gloves dark glasses blue jeans and black shoes. the general atmosphere in the picture is very the backround we can see white building and a lot of trees and cars. the weather is verry sunny.

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