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Gość pomocy!!!! a co

KTO MI sprawdzi błedy w liście po angielsku??

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Gość pomocy!!!! a co

Dear Sir or Madam My name is Kamil. I am writing to you regarding of practice in Greece this year. I read the announcement at my university. I am a first year student of Tourism and Recreation at the Wrocław. I would like to make practice in a Hotel in Greece because my future will be linked to the hotel industry. I am interested in the culture of Greece and cooking Greek. I want to see another world, beautiful views and improve your English. I would like to gain new experiences and meet new people I have experience in the restaurant. I worked as a waiter and as a cleaner and parking-boy the seaside hotel half years ago as see in the attached CV. I am a hard-working, responsible and organized person. I can work individual and in a team. I am open to new challenges and quickly learn new responsibilities Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully.

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Gość lucy6584974
omg... ile bledow

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Gość blankaaaeee
Sprawdzi?! Stary, to jakaś tragedia! Przecież Ty kompletnie języka nie znasz!

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Gość pomocy!!!! a co
dlatego pytam sie kto mi pomoze??:/ i zeby wskazac mi zdania ktore sa zle i jak powinny wygladac...czy tylko krytykowac umiecie???;/ zal

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Gość sprawdzam!!!!!!
Dear Sir, Madam My name is Kamil. I am writing to you regarding student apprenticeship in Greece this year. I have found this announcement at my university. I am a first year student of Tourism and Recreation at the Wrocław University. I would like to do the apprenticeship in a hotel in Greece because my future will be linked to the hotel industry. I am interested in the culture of Greece and Greek cuisine. I want to get to know other countries, see some beautiful views and improve my English. I would like to gain new experiences and meet new people I have experience in working in restaurant. I worked as a waiter and as a cleaner and parking-boy in the seaside hotel half a year ago as you will see in the attached CV. I am hard-working, responsible and organized person. I can work as an individual as well as a part of a team. I am open to new challenges and quickly learn new responsibilities Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully.

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Gość pomocy!!!! a co
W końcu ktos normalny sie znalazł...WIELKIE DZIEKI!!

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Gość blankaaaeee
You, Your, Yours- z dużej!

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Gość blankaaaeee
"żal;/" Mwahahahahhaa. Do książek, matołku, bo nawet kawy nie zamówisz z taką angielszczyzną:))))

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Gość pomocy!!!! a co
jasne chyba TY..taka jest prawda ze TY gówno umiesz..dlatego nie wiesz jak pomoc hahaha...

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